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汽车倒车雷达防护系统的设计 信工111班:郝艳红 指导教师:谭歆 (陕西科技大学职业教育师范学院 陕西 西安 710021) 摘要:随着我国经济飞速发展,越来越多的人拥有了自己的汽车,同时由泊车和倒车所引发的事故也越来越多。这些事故常常给驾驶员带来许多麻烦,因此,有助于驾驶员泊车和倒车的倒车雷达应运而生。倒车雷达是汽车泊车安全辅助装置,能以声音或者更为直观的显示告知驾驶员周围障碍物的情况。为此,设计了以单片机为核心,利用超声波实现无接触测距的倒车雷达系统。它可以提醒驾驶员进入警戒区域,同时进行声光报警。无须占用司机的视觉资源,使司机可以把全部注意力用于观察车前及车旁的路况。超声波发射部分由AT89C51单片机产生高电平信号,触发测距模块;系统接收部分由接收探头拾取反射回来的信号,当接收电路接收到反射信号就中断AT89C51的计数器,停止计数,从而得到超声波从发射到接收信号的时间差进而计算出车与后方障碍物之间的距离,指导司机安全倒车。倒车雷达超声波单片机 Design of Reversing Radar Protection System ABSTRACT:With the development of the economy of China, many people have their own cars. Then, the accidents that caused by parking and reversing will be increasingly common. These accidents often bring many troubles to drivers. At this time, the reverse radar comes out to help drivers to park and reverse. The reverse radar—a set of safety assistant installation applied on automobile parking. Also, it can tell drivers that there are many obstacles around them by voice or visual display. So, this design is a kind of reverse radar system based on SCM, using ultrasonic to measure distance. It can remind drivers that they have entered warning area as well as achieve audible and visual alarm. With the help of the radar, drivers are able to focus on observing the situation around the roads without occupying the drivers’ visual resources. Ultrasonic launch section produces high level signal to trigger ranging module through AT89C51. The system receiving part receives reflected signal by the sensor. When the receiver circuit receives reflected signals, it will interrupt AT89C51 counter to stop counting. As a result, it can get The Time Difference from transmitting to receiving signal, and then calculate the distance between the obstacles. It can thus guiding drivers to back a car safely. KEY WORDS:Reverse radar, Ultrasonic, SCM 1 课题背景和意义 近年来,随着汽车产业的迅速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,公路上、停车场上的汽车越来越多,交通也越来越拥挤。由于空间的有限性,汽车在公路上行驶或者出入停车场时,其倒车、转弯的几率大大增加,而驾驶员的视线由于受到限制,尾撞和刮擦事故时有发生。据相关调查统计15%的汽车碰撞事故是因倒车时汽车的后视能力不良造成的。因此,增加汽车的后视能力,研制汽


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