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毕业论文缩写稿 题目: 图书信息管理系统的设计 学 生: 艾 有 芹 学 号: 20110311123 专 业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 张 攀 峰 陕西科技大学职业教育师范学院 2015 年 6月 2 日 图书信息管理系统的设计 信工111班:艾有芹 指导教师:张攀峰 (陕西科技大学职业教育师范学院 陕西 西安 710021) 摘要:当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代。在各行各业中离不开信息处理,这正是计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系统的环境。计算机的最大好处在于利用它能够进行信息管理。使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。 图书馆作为一种信息资源的集散地,图书和用户借阅资料繁多,包含很多的信息数据的管理,现今,有很多的图书馆都是初步开始使用,甚至尚未使用计算机进行信息管理。数据处理手工操作,工作量大,出错率高,出错后不易更改。图书馆采取手工方式对图书借阅情况进行人工管理,由于信息比较多,图书借阅信息的管理工作混乱而又复杂;一般借阅情况是记录在借书证上,图书的数目和内容记录在文件中,图书馆的工作人员和管理员也只是当时对它比较清楚,时间一长,如再要进行查询,就得在众多的资料中翻阅、查找了,造成查询费时、费力。如要对很长时间以前的图书进行更改就更加困难了。 关键:图书管理系统,图书管理系统的实现,数据库 The Design of Library Information Management System ABSTRACT:The present era is the rapid development of the information age. In all walks of life can not be separated from information processing, which is widely used in computer information management system environment. The greatest advantage the computer is able to use its information management. Control the use of computers for information, not only improve the work efficiency, but also greatly improved its security. Library as a distribution center for information resources, books and many users to borrow materials, including a lot of information and data management, today, there are many libraries are initially started, not even the use of computer information management. Manual data processing, the workload and high error rate, not easy to change mistakes. Manually take the library to borrow books manually manage the situation, as more information, books to borrow the management of information confusing and complicated; general lending are recorded in the library card, the number of books and the content recorded in the document library staff and administrators at the time it is only more clearly, over time, such as to carry out further inquiries, many have read the information, find the resulting query time-consuming, laborious. Such as a lo


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