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学生对信息技术课没有兴趣之原因 The reasons of the students have no interest in information technology 1.信息技术学科“地位”不高 1. The status information technology disciplines is not high 虽然,国家和地方教育部门一再声明,学科无主次之分,但是在中考、高考的指挥棒没有偏向信息技术学科的背景下,决定了信息技术学科在中考和高考中的“地位”是不高的,有些地方甚至根本就不开设信息技术课,只是上面有人来检查了,才临时换个课表,开设一两节信息课做做样子。学校如此,学生自然也对信息技术学科“另[相待”了。 Although, state and local education departments have repeatedly statement, subjects of the primary and secondary points, but there is no bias in the tests, the college entrance examination baton under the background of information technology disciplines, determine the information technology subject position in the exam and the college entrance examination is not high, even in some places dont offer information technology courses, just someone to check the above, just temporary change the schedule, opened a two information sessions. Schools, nature also on information technology subject the other [treatment. 2.信息技术教师不专业 2. The information technology teachers professional “学高为师”,但是,有些学校信息技术教师是由其他教师兼任的,这些教师信息技术专业水平欠缺,是不可能唤起学生对信息技术学科的兴趣的。当然,这也是信息技术学科在中考和高考中“地位”不高的产物。 Learn Gao Weishi, however, some school information technology teachers are, by other teachers, who lack the information technology teachers professional level, it is impossible to arouse the students interest in information technology subject. And, of course, this also is information technology subject position in the exam and the college entrance examination is not high. 3.信息技术教师任务繁杂 3. The information technology teachers task and complex 绝大部分学校中信息技术教师除了少量的教学任务外,还担负着沉重的维护、维修任务,甚至在学校里负责电铃、接电话、文印等工作。信息技术教师们的精力无法集中在教学上,无法认真钻研教材、研究教法,自然也就上不出精彩的课,学生也自然不会对他们的课感兴趣。 The vast majority of school information technology teachers in addition to a small amount of teaching task, also shoulders the heavy maintenance and repair tasks, even in school is responsible for the bell, answer the phone, printing, etc. Information technology teachers, unable to focus on teaching, not serious study teaching methods, resea


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