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* 426宿舍 Chopsticks Right now, millions of people are digging into1) their food with two sticks that have stood the test of time as a utensil2) for humans, even when countless thousands of other tools, gadgets3) and products havent. But whats so special about them? 筷子。现如今,当数不尽的工具、器具和产品都已被时间淘汰,只有筷子经受住了时间的考验,成千上万的人们用它们来夹取食物。那么它们到底有什么特别之处呢? What can we learn from mere chopsticks? 从这简简单单的筷子中,我们能学到什么? Personally, I have used them all my life, but it was only recently that I realised the depth of influence they had in many peoples way of life. They teach us the importance of: 对于我个人而言,我一生都在使用筷子,但直到最近,我才认识到它们深深地影响了许多人的生活方式。它们教会了我们许多重要的事: Simplicity. They can come in all kinds of colours and sizes but essentially they are just two long sticks. Theres hardly anything more simple than two bits of wood being pushed together. With new technology being released everyday and adverts4) bombarding5) us with the need to be able to do more with less, multi-tasking and multiple-use devices, it is sort of refreshing to still have something which has just one use—simply to eat. Chopsticks are a living example that simplicity simply works, and we dont need to keep developing, improving and fixing things all the time. 简简单单。虽然筷子颜色各异,长短不同,但实质上,它们就是两根长棍。没有比两根靠在一起就能使用的木棍更简单的东西了。在科技日新月异的今天,铺天盖地的广告告诉我们应该使用那些事半功倍的多功能设备,筷子却仍旧保持着其单一的用途——就只是用来吃饭,这还真是与众不同啊。而筷子这个活生生的实例说明:简单的东西照样能派上大用场,我们并不需要一直改善更新,发展再发展。 Versatility6).Chopsticks can be used for picking up all kinds of food; meat, veg, rice, even the bones from fish, because by nature, their simplicity means that they are adaptable7). Instead of aiming for a niche8) in an attempt to find a gap in the market, or to fill a hole that probably doesnt need filling, they cater to a wide range purposes. Imagine being like chopsticks in this way, able to appeal to9) many people because you are useful, without worrying about being more innovative10) or better in anyway. They just do what they are made to do; they just are. 运用广泛。筷子能用来夹取各种各样的食物,诸如肉、蔬菜、米饭等,还能用来挑鱼骨


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