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本 科 毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 儒家文化对我国企业管理的影响 Confucianists culture to Our Corporate-management Influence 作 者 孙彦龙 专 业 金融学 指导教师 张目 副教授 分 院 金融学院 二〇〇九年五月 儒家文化对我国企业管理的影响 摘要:随着现代市场经济的发展,近年来对于传统文化与现代企业管理关系问题的探讨也层出不穷,但是,对于儒家思想与现代企业管理的研究尚处在起步阶段。儒家思想作为中国传统文化的主干,也是儒家文化圈各国人民的财富,它在提高人们的道德观念和行为准则方面起着积极的促进作用,对于提高管理水平也将起着融通与互补的作用。但是它毕竟有着自身的历史局限,其中的糟粕会为企业管理带来一些弊端,甚至是致命伤害。所以,课题在阐述了儒家文化中对我国企业的积极影响的基础上,着重阐述了儒家文化对我国企业的消极影响,同时针对家族企业中儒家的封建家长制管理带来的系列问题提出解决的对策,以便于遏制和降低这些消极因素对企业发展的影响。 关键词:儒家文化;企业;管理 Confucianists culture to Our Corporate-management Influence Abstract: Along with the modern market economys development, also emerges one after another incessantly regarding the traditional culture and the modern business management relations questions discussion, but, still occupied the start stage regarding the Confucian thoughts and the modern business managements research. The Confucian thoughts take China traditional culture the branch, is also the Confucianists’ culture circle various countries peoples wealth, it is heightening peoples morality and the standard of conduct aspect is playing the positive promoter action, will also get up regarding the enhancement management level is allowing temporary credit with the supplementary function. But it has own historical limitation after all, in which dregs will bring some malpractices for the business management, will be mortally injured. Therefore, topic in elaborated in the Confucianists’ culture to Our country Enterprises positive influences foundation, elaborated emphatically the Confucianists’ culture to our country Enterprises negative effect, simultaneously aims at the series question which in the Family firm Confucianism’s feudal patriarchy management brings to propose the solution countermeasure, is advantageous contains and reduces these negative factors to the enterprise development influence. Key words: Confucianists’ culture; Enterprise; Manages 目 次 摘要 I 目次 II 前言 1 一、儒家文化对我国企


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