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2H压缩机六级气缸常规力学计算软件的设计 潘越龙 (机械与汽车工程学院 指导教师:高玉根) 摘要:往复式压缩机广泛应用于生产、生活中,其关键零部件如曲轴、气缸体、气缸套、连杆、活塞杆等,是各种类型活塞式压缩机上使用极为广泛的重要机件,但又是容易发生疲劳破坏的部件。因此曲轴、连杆、气缸套、气缸体等的断裂而产生的事故,在工程上是屡见不鲜的。 本文研究了往复回转机械关键零部件疲劳断裂的计算(初步)模型,开发了往复回转机械关键零部件疲劳断裂计算软件,能够进行曲轴、气缸体、气缸、连活塞杆的常规力学和疲劳断裂的计算。开发的软件是以C++ Builder 6.0 为平台,采用了面向对象的设计方法,具有计算功能强、计算方法灵活、速度快以及能完成人工无法完成的计算等特点,并有很好的可移植性;建立了基于MS SQL Server 2000的材料常规力学性能数据库和疲劳断裂性能数据库,本数据库收录了一百多种常用材料的常规力学性能数据和几十种常用材料的疲劳断裂性能数据,基本满足了这些关键零部件的计算要求,同时数据库可随实验数据的不断完善和新材料的出现进行不断更新和补充。最后,本文通过算例以及对中国石化南京化学工业有限公司进口BDC压缩机六段缸体内埋藏裂纹的计算和分析,对本文获得的计算模型进行了验证,对开发的软件做了测试。结果表明:本文的研究能得到较好的解决曲轴、气缸体及气缸套等零部件在复杂应力作用下常规力学和疲劳断裂的计算问题。 关键词:曲轴气缸活塞杆连杆疲劳断裂 软件开发Abstract: Reciprocating machine was widely used in our lives. Some key members of reciprocating machine are complex and important, such as crankshaft, cylinder liner and cylinder block, connecting rod and piston rob, which are usually employed in various types of piston compressors, tanks, cars, tractors, locomotives and shipboard-type oil engines. And a great number of machine mentioned above are all acted undergone to many-stage or random loading, so the failure of these is very common. The accidents caused by fracture of these components are common affair in engineering. In this paper, the fatigue and fracture model of these key members of reciprocating machine was researched. A number of calculating formulas ware gave to resolve the traditional mechanics calculation and modern mechanics calculation of these components, including crankshaft, cylinder liner and cylinder block, connecting rod and piston rob. Software based on C++ Builder 6.0 was developed, which can be used to analyses the strength and life of these components. This software has some remarkable characters, for example, it has stronger and faster calculating function, and it permits operator to choose stress calculation or stress intensity factor of life calculation flexibly. Further more, it can complete the work which can’t be done by manual. A database based on


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