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砂筛分析实验 实验目的与通过试验获得砂的细度模数和级配曲线,并掌握砂颗粒粗细程度和颗粒搭配间的关系,掌握砂质量好坏的判定依据,为拌制混凝土时选用原材料作准备。实验摇筛机、标准筛、天平、浅盘、毛刷和容器等 实验操作1、按要求称取四分后的干燥试样500g; 2、将标准筛按孔径由大到小顺序叠放,加底盘后,将试样倒到最上层4.75mm筛内,加盖后,置于摇筛机上,摇筛5 min; 3、将整套筛自摇筛机上取下,按孔径大小,逐个用手于洁净的盘上进行筛分,通过的颗粒并入下一号筛内并和下一号筛中的试样一起过筛。 4、称量各号筛的筛余试样质量。 数据(1)分计筛余百分率——各筛的筛余量除以试样总量的百分率,精确至0.1%。 (2)累计筛余百分率——该筛上的分计筛余百分率与大于该筛的分计筛余百分率之和,精确到1%。 筛孔尺寸(mm) 筛余量(g) 分计筛余(%) 累计筛余(%) 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.600 0.300 0.150 底盘 (3)细度模数: Mx=,单次精确至0.01,平均精确至0.1,取两次试验结果算术平均值,且两次结果之差不得大于0.2。 (4)级配的鉴定:绘制筛孔尺寸-累计筛余曲线,或对照规定的级配区范围,判定级配是否良好。 筛孔尺寸(mm) 累计筛余(%) 1区 2区 3区 10.0 0 0 0 4.75 10~0 10~0 10~0 2.36 35~5 25~0 15~0 1.18 65~35 50~10 25~0 0.600 85~71 70~41 40~16 0.300 95~80 92~70 85~55 0.150 100~90 100~90 100~90 ? 1、四分法缩取试样 用分料器直接分取或人工四分。将取回的砂试样拌匀后摊成厚度约20mm的饼状,在其上划十字线,分成大致相等的四份,取其对角线的两份混合后,再按同样的方法持续进行,直至缩分后的材料量略多于试验所需的数量为止。 2、试验前后质量偏差 试验前后质量总计与试验前相比误差不得超过1%,否则重新试验。 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a customer-focused thinking, fully aware that meet their customers needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith an


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