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這是東莞新進電子有限公司之管制文件,只有得到品質規划部 經理特別授權,此份文件才可以非管制文件形式复印或交予第 三者用于其它目的 修訂號 修訂內容摘要 發行日期 0 首次發行 /FEB/2005 Samsung PCBA檢驗標准 目的 將Samsung产品 PNP各流程中產生的不良進行判定并控制不良品流出﹐确保產品品質﹒ 2. 范圍 本標准適用于事業8部的Samsung PCB`A生產 . 3. 說明 3.1 本目檢標准是依據公司的《PNPBONDING 一.SMT 元件(SMT component) 1.焊點規格(Soldering spec.) 1.1.Chip零件移位(Chip component shift) 圖 例 判 定 標 准 Side overhang (D) is greater than 25% component termination width (W) or 25% land width (P) whichever is less.-----Defect 零件上下平偏移 D25%W或D25%P 拒收 (任何一個條件滿足,可拒收) Side overhang (D) is greater than 25% component termination width (W) or 25% land width (P) whichever is less.-------Defect 零件旋轉偏移 D25%W或D25%P 拒收 (任何一個條件滿足,可拒收) Termination overhangs land(B0)------Defect 零件左右平偏移超出PAD(B0) 拒收 Component overhangs 25% length of metallization terminal end (L) or less than 0.25mm ------Defect 零件水平偏移l25%L 或l0.25mm 拒收 Component in reserved to lacquer to go to circuit to form a short circuit.------Defect 零件偏移在有保護漆的線路上造成短路 拒收 End joint width (C) is minimum 75% of component termination width (W) or 75% land width (P) ,whichever is less.---- Acceptable 零件偏移后焊點寬度 C75%W 或是C75%P 允收 (任何一個條件滿足,可允收) 1.2.Chip零件多錫.少錫及錫不熔透(Chip component) 圖 例 判 定 標 准 Maximum fillet height (E) may overhang the land or extend onto the top of the end cap metallization, but not extend further onto the component body.------Acceptable 錫多超過金屬端,但末端沒有延伸至零件本体. 允收 Solder fillet extends onto the component body.------Defect 錫延伸到零件本体上 拒收 1. Insufficient solder.-----Defect 少錫. 拒收 (圖1) 2. Minimum fillet high(F) is less than 3/4 termination high(H) . ----Defect 上錫高度F3/4H . 拒收 (圖2) Insufficient end overlap . -----Defect 移出焊盤 拒收 2.1.圓柱体零件移位.(Cylindrical End Cap Termination) 圖 例 判 定 標 准 Side overhang (A) is greater than 25% component diameter(W) or land width (P), whichever is less.------Defect 零件偏移 A



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