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建设工程招标投标信息 (第六期) 烟台市建设工程招标投标管理办公室 烟台市建设工程招标投标协会 二○○八年六月二十七日 烟台市建设工程招标代理 管理暂行办法(摘要) 第十一条 招标代理单位应与从业人员签订《劳动合同》,交纳“三金”。招标代理从业人员解聘活动要依法进行,按规定办理相关手续。招标代理单位不得雇用原单位未解除合同关系的人员。代理从业人员只能受聘于一个单位。 第十二条 招标代理单位资格的备案与公示。本地招标代理单位每年备案一次。备案的内容与时间:企业的营业执照、资质证书、单位在册从业人员姓名、职称、注册资格、执业资格、调出调进时间、签订劳动合同及交纳“三金”情况;新调进人员的职称、注册资格、执业资格证件原件。每年三月底前报招投标管理机构备案,同时进行网上公示,并建立招标代理企业信息库。 推进现代市场体系建设及相关改革 完善工程建设项目招标投标制度。实施严格的资格预审、招标公告发布、投标、评标定标以及评标专家管理制度和惩戒办法。健 全工程建设项目招标投标行政监督机制。研究制定电子化招标投标办法。逐步构建统一的招标投标信息平台,实现信息资源公开、共享。   of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrumen


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