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河北经贸大学经济管理学院毕业论文 我国城镇居民消费结构分析 专业名称:信息与计算科学 班 级: C信计07-1班 学生姓名: 张文佳 指导教师: 王玲书 完成时间: 2011年5月 摘 要 社会主义生产的目的是为了满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要,因此消费问题在整个国民经济中处于至关重要的地位。建国以来特别是改革开放三十多年来,我国城镇居民的生活水平有较大幅度的提高,人民群众对生活的需要不再仅仅局限于吃饱穿暖,而在向更高的层次发展,不同阶层和不同消费者之间的消费偏好也表现出愈来愈大的差异性。这种消费领域的变化使我们发现仅有消费品总量的增长是不够的,必须从结构上加以优化,才能真正满足人民群众的各项需求。而现实中我国生产结构、分配结构、交换结构和消费结构之间的脱节现象比较严重,这不仅浪费了社会资源,而且还直接阻碍了社会主义生产目的的实现。 本文拟通过对2009年我国城镇居民消费结构的分析,并根据我国城镇居民消费结构的现状,首先分析了影响我国城镇居民消费结构的因素,为促进消费结构合理化对策提供有力的依据;其次,本文通过运用扩展线性支出模型对我国城镇居民消费结构进行分析,运用聚类分析按消费结构对我国各省进行分类,从而了解我国城镇居民消费结构存在的问题;最后,提出消费结构合理化的一些标准及促进我国城镇居民消费结构合理化的一些对策。 关键词 消费结构;扩展性线性支出;聚类分析 ABSTRACT The purpose of socialist production is to satisfy people’s growing material and cultural needs. So consumer problems are at a critical position in the national economy. Especially, since the founding of three decades of reform and opening up, the standard of living for urban residents in China has significantly improved. The people’s need no longer confine to life in feed and clothing, and to a higher level of development. The consumption preferences between different stratum and different consumers also showed increasing differences. This change in consumption field makes us find that the growth in the total amount of consumer goods is not enough, and the structure must be optimized in order to truly meet the needs of people. But, in reality, the phenomenon of discrepancy is more serious between production structure, distribution structure, exchange structure and consumption structure. It is not only a waster of social resources, but also a direct hindrance of the realization of socialist production purposes. The paper analyzes the consumption structure of Chinese urban residents in 2009. According to the present conditions of the consumption structure of Chinese urban residents, it discusses from three aspects. First, it analyzes the factors that influence the consumption structure of Chinese ur


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