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试论新课标下高中学生如何在议论文写作中运用论证“七法”中英文互译 Try to talk about how under the new standard high school students in the writing of argument using demonstration method of seven in both Chinese and English translation   《高中语文新课程标准》表达交流部分明确要求:观点要明确,能围绕中心选取材料,进一步提高记叙、议论、叙述、描写、抒情等基本表达能力,并学习运用多种表达方式。《新课标》对作文教学提出了明确的要求,议论成为学生必须掌握的表达方式之一,因而议论文也成为学生必须掌握的文体之一,可是现实情况是有百分之七八十的学生不会写作议论文,主要原因是前几年高考话题作文一统天下,无论是老师还是学生淡化了文体意识。基于这种情况,学生写记叙文多叙述,缺乏生动、形象的描写;写作议论文,不着边际的叙述代替了深刻有力的分析;写作说明文,不知如何下笔。 Express communication parts of the high school language new curriculum standard explicitly request: arguments should be clear, can around the center select materials, further improve the narrative, argument, narrative, description, lyrical and other basic skills, and learn to use a variety of expressions. New standard put forward clear requirements for composition teaching, discussion become one of the students must master the expression, thus argument has become one of the students must master the style, but the reality is that there are seventeen students wont write what topic the main reason is that a few years ago the university entrance exam composition dominated, both teachers and students played down the stylistic awareness. Based on this situation, students write a narrative account, more lack of vivid, image description; Writing what irrelevant account instead of a deep and strong analysis; Expository writing, do not know how to write.   新课标要求学生必须掌握议论这种基本的表达方式,因此议论文也成为高中学生必须学会运用的一种文体。针对学生写作中普遍存在的问题,作为老师应该担负起引导者的责任,指导学生写作,切实提高学生议论文写作水平。我认为,教给学生具体论证的方法,是一种有效的途径,在教学过程中,我作了如下几尝试,略见成效,仅此抛砖引玉。 Talk English curriculum requires students to master the basic form of expression, so the argument became a high school student must learn to use a kind of literary style. Aiming at the problems in student writing, as a teacher should shoulder the responsibility of the guide, guide students to write, to improve students writing level to develop argumentative essays. I think, teach students the method of the



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