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2011年中山市鼓励服务贸易发展专项资金 管理暂行办法 第一章 总则 第一条 为促进我市服务贸易的发展,引导和支持服务贸易企业开拓国际市场和自主创新,提升国际竞争能力,同时鼓励本地企业积极承接国际服务外包业务转移,积极对外出口软件产品,加快产业结构优化调整,特制定本办法。 第二条 本办法所称服务贸易发展专项资金,是指用于支持服务贸易发展,由市财政在外经贸发展专项资金中安排的专项资金。 第三条 市外经贸局是服务贸易发展专项资金的主管部门,主要负责会同市财政部门制定专项资金管理办法;对专项资金的使用和分配制定详细计划;组织、受理有关单位申报专项资金,并对申报材料进行审核;跟踪、检查专项资金的使用、分配和项目实施情况,确保专项资金绩效目标的实现;对专项资金的使用和分配情况及时自查、自评,严格按有关规定组织对资金进行内部监管。主管部门要加强对专项资金的分配和使用情况检查,对存在问题及时纠正。市财政、监察、审计部门依法对专项资金的预算执行、使用分配效益和财务管理等方面的情况进行监督检查,健全专项资金和项目管理责任追究制度 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of t



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