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中国三峡工程 目 录 一、长江流域概况Survey of the Yangtze River Basin 2二、三峡工程概况Three Gorges Project Profile 4三、枢纽工程建设Project Constructio 6 四、移民工程与输变电工程建设 9IV. Resident Relocation Project and Power Transmission Project Construction 五、工程建设管理体制Management System for Project Construction 10六、工程建设重大技术成就Significant Achievements in Construction Technology 11(一)截流和深水围堰技术River Closure and Deep Water Cofferdam 12(二)大坝混凝土施工技术Concrete Placement of the Dam 14(三)双线五级船闸高边坡和金属结构技术Dual-way Five-stage Ship Lock High Slopes and Metal Works 16(四)水轮发电机组设计与制造、安装技术The Design, Manufacture and Installation of the Generating Units 18七、三峡枢纽工程综合效益Comprehensive Benefits of the Three Gorges Project 19(一)防洪效益Benefit of Flood Control 20(二)发电效益Benefit of Power Generation 23(三)航运效益Navigation Benefit 23(四)抗旱补水Drought Control and Water Supply 26(五)生态改善Ecological Improvement 28八、社会关注的热点问题Socially Concerned Hot Issues 29(一)防洪功能Flood Control Issue 29(二)泥沙淤积问题Siltation 36(三)地质灾害问题Geological Disasters 39(四)水库水质问题Water Quality of Reservoir 44(五)气候效应问题Climatic Effec 47 (六)清水下泄问题Release of Clear Water 50(七)珍稀动植物保护问题Protection on Rare Plants and Animals 52(八)文物保护问题Protection on Cultural Relics 55(九)自然景观Natural Landscapes 57(十)翻坝转运问题 59 九、附录 59 (一)三峡工程规划、设计、论证历程History of TGP’s Planning, Design and Verification 59(二)三峡工程大事记TGP Milestones 66 一、长江流域概况 I. Survey of the Yangtze River Basin 长江发源于青藏高原唐古拉山脉主峰格拉丹冬雪山的西南侧,其干流全长6300余公里,是中国第一大河,也是世界第三大河流。长江干流自西向东流经中国的青海、四川、西藏、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海等11个省(自治区、直辖市),流域面积达180万平方公里,约占中国大陆面积的五分之一。 The Yangtze River originates in the southwest side of Geladandong Snow Mountain - Tanggula Mountain peak on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with its main stream of 6,300 kilometers long, boasting the longest river in China and also the worlds third largest river. The Yangtze River main stream runs from west to East through 11 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), including Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu


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