
ADHD Appropriate Determination of Eligibility Under the Category.ppt

ADHD Appropriate Determination of Eligibility Under the Category.ppt

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ADHD Appropriate Determination of Eligibility Under the Category

These benchmarks go with the goal from Academic Expectation 5 Remember that it is CRITICAL that the ARC have a clear picture of the student’s baseline behaviors in order to develop appropriate benchmarks. Please remember that these are only possible examples: decisions for any student need to be made based on data about the student’s present level. Again, Specially Designed Instruction SDI is what the teacher teaches to the student to help him/her learn to focus. In this case, the student needs to be taught organization skills, how to monitor an organizational system, and the teacher must know how to reinforce this behavior to make it successful for the student. Supplementary Aids and Services SAS are the supports the student receives to be successful. These are the types of supports general education teachers provide for any student, to help him/her maintain the skills being taught through SDI. For the IEP, the ARC must identify and document the supports that are necessary for the student to be successful, such as prompts, cues, reinforcement, use of equipment or materials, etc. If we are talking about a child that has organizational issues, cognitive process of writing for example then direct teaching of this skill is necessary. Remember that it is appropriate to teach some academic skills that are impacted by the process due to the health based disability. It would NOT, however, be appropriate for this student to have a scribe as an accommodation since you are teaching the organizational process of writing. * * * * * Remember this slide from your IEP training? This is how it all flows together To review, to determine a student has an Other Health Impairment due to ADHD, the ARC needs to determine the answers to these questions. What accommodations, if any, would this student need for instruction and assessment? To answer this, the ARC must review the IEP to see what is being provided for this student in specially designed instruction and su


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