
Best Practice .ppt

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Best Practice

Do you ever use it? BMJ Clinical Evidence “临床证据” Case 实例 Find the answers in 3 Clicks and 30 seconds Question: A 56 year old man with diabetes is currently taking lisinopril to control his essential hypertension. Today at follow-up, his blood pressure is 150/95, not at goal. How should his therapy be modified? 56岁男性糖尿病患者,服用赖诺普利控制原发性高血压。今天血压测试结果为150/95,如何调整其治疗? Case 实例 Click 1: 检索 Hypertension Case 实例 Click 2: 选择 Treatment Find the answers in 3 Clicks and 30 seconds Click 3: 找到患者群,评估治疗方法 Find the answers in 3 Clicks and 30 seconds Click 3: 找到患者群,评估治疗方法 Demo Online: 检索: MI Question? 谢 谢! 王赫 BMJ Group hwang@ * * * * * * Hospitals Current CE customers Large BMJ Group customers Large hospitals Medical schools in target countries Large primary care practices in target countries Target countries: Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK * * Current CE customers Individual physicians on BMJ Group d/b 100K Target countries: Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK This is the evidence pyramid designed by Brian Haynes at McMaster University in Canada and it illustrates the evolution of evidence based information systems. You can see primary research at the bottom, then syntheses like Cochrane reviews, followed by synopses and summaries which is where CE fits in and then systems at the top 26th June 2008 来自BMJ的全新的循证医学在线资源 --帮助临床医生有效解决诊、治疑问的权威工具 王赫 BMJ Group hwang@ 基于现有各种原始研究证据资源,针对重要的临床问题高度提炼后的总汇。 原始研究文献 系统性综述 单篇循证文献摘要性评述 针对临床问题结合证据的概述 电子临床资讯系统 PubMed –Clinical study search Clinical Evidence Cochrane Library / PubMed-Systematic Review Evidence Based Medicine 26th June 2008 What is new in Best Practice? 新在何处? For each condition, Best Practice covers the following categories: 对每一种收录的疾病都提供了标准结构内容: Highlights 要点: Summary / Overview Basic


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