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New Century College English Book Ⅱ Unit5 Moral Values I. Teaching Objectives 1. Learn about using vivid words for vivid pictures. 2.Grasp the key words, Phrases and structure. 3.Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit. 1 Learning to generalize the statement by reading the concrete facts. 2 Understanding the effective and artistic Use of words. II. Teaching Content 1. Lead-in activities 2. Text Organization 3. Skill learning in writing and reading 4. Language points key words, phrases and difficult sentences 5. Grammar Focus subjunctive mood with if-clause, ”if” as the formal subject for an infinitive clause. 6. Guided Practice exercises, oral practice and group work III. Teaching Process 1.Warm-up Activity 1 Discussion .Do you think it is important for you to develop character? Explain your reasons. .Who do you trust most in your everyday life? Explain why? 2 Questions about Text Why does the author think that seeking heroes in athletes, musicians and powerful business executives does necessarily provide us with good role model? 3 Presenting the text by summing up the discussion. Many tend to believe that the only things we need for success are talent, energy and personality. Yet the story of the young and competent executive in the text demonstrates that such values as integrity, honesty, and loyalty are even more essential for our success and happiness 4 Background Information A .Stephen B. Covey 1932-- Stephen B. Covey is American consultant, speaker and author. His book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was named the No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the 20th Century. In 1996, he was recognized as one of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential Amercians and one of Sales and Marketing Management’s top 25 power brokers. B .Thomas Jefferson 1743—1826 Thomas Jefferson is the third President of the US. From 1801 to 1809. Jefferson was an important member of the Continental Congress and wrote most of The Declararion of Inde



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