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2010年高考常考单词中有用词根160个和高考词汇记忆解析 词汇学习必修版 滔滔不绝提供 第一部分:词根介绍 第二部分:高考单词如何记忆的详细解析 第一部分:词根介绍 anim breath, mind ann, enn year act to act art skill, art audi, aud to hear avi bird bat to beat bell war bio life (n.) cad, cid, cas to fall camp field cand white , bright cap head , to take cede, ceed , cess to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate to take cent hundred centr center cern, cret to separate cide , cise to cut claim , clam to cry clud to shut count to count cre, cresc to make, to grow cred to believe cruc cross cur, course to run cure to take care du two, double dent tooth dict, dit to say divid, divis to divide dorm to sleep duce, duct to lead dur to last (持续) equ equal fac, front face, forehead fac, fect to make , to do fer to carry, to bear, to tolerate flect, flex to bend flu to flow form to form, form ,shape found , fund base gener, gen, gent to produce, race n. grad, gress to walk gram , graph to write her heir horr to tremble hum , hom man hum ground (地面) hydr, hydro water ject , jac to throw join, junct to join journ day jud to judge just, juris law, right , justice labor to work later side lav , lau to wash lect, leg to choose, to gather, to read leg to appoint, to send, law liber free libr, lib book lig to bind lingu tongue, language liqu fluid liter letter log , loqu, locut to speak lumin light magn, maj , max great manu,man hand mark to mark , boundary mechan machine med middle, to heal memor to remember meter to measure miss, mit to send, to throw min, mini small mort death mount mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot to move muni service myst mystery nau, nav ship nomin, nom name norm rule, norm nounce, nunci to report nov new number, numer number, to count order, ordin order part a part , to part passi , pati, path to suffer, feelings ped foot ; child pel , puls to


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