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西南科技大学网络教育学院 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 系 信息工程 专业 毕业设计(论文)题目 浅析电子商务在信息交互时的隐患 学 生 姓 名 徐 程 班 级 崇义09秋 学 号 98943710001 指 导 教 师 邹显瑛 完 成 日 期 2011 年 09 月 1 日 浅析电子商务在信息交互时的隐患 Analysis of E-commerce interaction of risks in the information 毕业设计(论文) 15 页 表 格 0 个 图 表 0 幅 摘要:如今网络技术和电子商务迅猛发展,电子商务在信息交互时安全问题的重要性已不言而喻,但当前电子商务所面临的网络安全现状却不容乐观,信息交互的安全问题是电子商务推进中的最大路障。:随着电子信息技术的迅速普及和广泛应用,电子商务以其快捷、便利等优点越来越受到社会的认可。电子商务的发展前景十分诱人,但商业信息的安全依然是电子商务的首要问题。本文从实现电子商务在信息交互时的安全性的基本框架出发,对电子商务中的各种安全技术进行了分析,以探讨一种有效、安全的实现电子商务的途径。 关键词:电子商务/电子商务环境/网络安全/信息交互安全技术/发展对策 Abstract: Today, the rapid development of network technology and e-commerce, e-commerce in the information security issues when the importance of interaction has been self-evident, but the current e-commerce network security faced by the status quo is not optimistic, The biggest roadblock is the security of information exchange in promoting e-commerce. With the rapid spread of electronic information technology and wide application of e-commerce with its fast, convenient and so more and more social recognition. Very attractive prospects for the development of e-commerce, information security, but business is still the most important issue of e-commerce. This article from e-business interaction in the information security of the basic framework of starting e-commerce in a variety of security technologies were analyzed to explore an effective and safe way to achieve e-commerce. Key words: E-commerce /E-commerce environment/Network security / information exchange security technology / development


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