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混龄教育模式中幼儿混龄交往的研究 ——以温州市宏德实验幼儿园为例 摘要:本课题以温州市宏德实验幼儿园幼儿为分析样本,设定幼儿交往的分析维度,运用问卷法和观察法对幼儿的混龄交往进行分析整理。从教育模式(混领班、同龄班)以及活动形式(教师有控制状态、教师无控制状态)分析幼儿交往的次数、对象、类型、效果和偏好。混龄班和同龄班中班段幼儿在交往次数、类型上不存在显著的差异,而在交往对象和效果上存在极其显著差异。教师在安排座位时应以幼儿经验、身心发展的特点及其需求等为依据,而不是简单的将同年龄段的幼儿安排在一起。混龄班中班段幼儿较同龄班中班段幼儿存在更多的亲社会性行为。在处理问题方面,混龄班幼儿较同龄班幼儿更具有独立性。教师应该放松对幼儿高密度的控制,让其获得同伴交往的空间。 关键词:同龄班;混龄班;幼儿;交往 Abstract:In this study, the children of Hongde Experimental Kindergarten in Wenzhou City as analysis of samples, set the analytical dimensions of child association, using questionnaire method and observation method to analytical the association of mixed-age children. From the education mode (mixed foreman, age classes) as well as the types of activities (teachers control state, Teachers control-free State) analysis the number, object, type, effects and preference of child interaction. The children of mixed-age and same-age manager grouping does not exist significant differences in the number and type of contacts, but exist extremely significant differences in the object and effect. Teacher in seating arrangements should be based on childrens experience, the characteristics of childrens physical and mental, needs, rather than simply arrangement by the age. The children of mixed-age manager grouping have more prosocial behavior than the same-age. In dealing with issues, the children of mixed-age grouping have more independence than the children of same-age grouping. Teachers should ease restrictions on child care of high density control, let them get peer interaction space. The children of mixed-age and same-age manager grouping does not exist significant differences in the number and type of contacts, but exist extremely significant differences in the object and effect. Key Words:ame-age grouping; Mixed-age grouping ; Chlid; Association 目 录 一、 引言 4 (一) 研究缘起 4 (二) 国外相关研究 5 (三) 国内相关研究 5 (四) 研究的切入点 5 (五) 问题的提出 5 (六) 研究意义 5 二、 研究方法 6 (一) 研究对象 6 (二) 研究工具 6 (三) 研究思路与研究过程 6 (


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