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毕业设计 论文
报表是一件用来传达信息的艺术品,但不同于常规的艺术品,消息可以随着驱动它的数据而改变。报表是一个非常广泛的主题,范围包括从装箱单、电话费账单到即席分析和Excel电子表格。首先对报表下一个简单的定义:报表是一个信息交付平台。当然,这个定义也非常广泛,它确实允许我们将精力集中在设计上,同时留给我们很大的空间在后续版本中进行扩展。GPRS Network Performance Display Platform Design Based on Reporting Services
A report is a piece of art meant to covey a message, but unlike traditional art, that message changes based on the data driving it.Reporting is a very broad topic covering areas ranging from packing lists and telephone bills to ad hoc analysis and Excel spreadsheets. When designing Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, I started with a simple definition for it: an information delivery platform. While this definition is also very broad,it did allow us to focus on our design, while leaving us significant room to expand in later versions.
GPRS network performance evaluation has many difficulties,such as there is too much data that it is difficult for us to enquiries and display for the network optimization engineers , and the data’slogic is also complex. The system uses RDLC statements as a way to show data , we strive to display the performance of GPRS network accurate, objective, detailed in an intuitive, comfortable manner, These data will serve as a very important message which the development of their network optimization programmer is based on. Meanwhile, in order to improve the system scalability, reliability, user experience, this system also introduced the design of the observer mode.
Key words:Reporting ServiceRDLC ,Observer Pattern ,GPRS
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及目的 1
1.2系统使用报表展示的作用与意义 2
2项目需求 4
2.1系统描述 4
2.2系统功能 4
2.2.1 浏览选择 4
2.2.2 定制模板 5
2.2.3 应用分析 5
2.2.4 报表结果展示 6
3 系统架构设计 7
3.1系统主架构 7
3.2各功能模块架构设计 9
3.2.1登陆及主窗口架构设计 9
3.2.2网元浏览器模块架构设计 10
3.2.3应用分析浏览器模块架构设计 10
3.2.4系统分析配置与LAC分区限制模块架构设计 11
3.2.5 WebServices架构设计 11
3.2.6系统应用分析配置模块架构设计 14
3.2.7报表展示模块架构设计 14
3.2.8模板管理架构设计 15
3.3观察者设计模式在系统中的应用 16
3.3.1为什么要使用设计模式? 16
3.3.2观察者设计模式简介 17
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