
毕业论文(设计)--proposed functional enhancements for the flight crew human factors integration tool外文文献翻译.doc

毕业论文(设计)--proposed functional enhancements for the flight crew human factors integration tool外文文献翻译.doc

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毕业论文(设计)--proposed functional enhancements for the flight crew human factors integration tool外文文献翻译

南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 系 部 专 业 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 二〇一二年六月 Proposed Functional Enhancements For The Flight Crew Human Factors Integration Tool Preface and Acknowledgments This report documents research undertaken by the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research, under Federal Aviation Administration Research Contract Number DTFA03-97-D-00004, Delivery Order DTFA03-97-F-UC007, Human Factors Support to the FAA Office of System Safety for the Global Analysis and Information Network. Any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Aviation Administration or the U.S. Department of Transportation. This report is one of three reports documenting the various tasks in the Delivery Order. The other two reports address Implementation of Analysis Methods and Flight Crew Training Needs Assessment and Improving the Representation of Human Error in the Use of the Flight Crew Human Factors Integration Tool. The author wishes to acknowledge the support and assistance of Jack Wojciech at the FAA Office of System Safety during the conduct of the research, as well as the contribution of the FAA and industry personnel involved in aviation safety who provided input to the research team and responded to the user needs survey discussed in the report. Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Proposed Functional Enhancements 3. User Needs Survey Survey Response Survey Results 4. Recommended Course of Action Implementation of an Enhancd Version of the Prototype IT Promoting the Use of the IT Development of a Cost-Sharing Mechanism 5. Conclusions Executive Summary In May 1996, the FAA



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