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以ZMET技术探索女性主管管理形象认知之研究 许人杰、吴美娥 摘要Abstract 一个企业经营的成败,管理者占极重要的因素,当企业因应组织变革而改变选才的角度来看,女性已从辅佐、协助支持的地位,突破为主导决策的地位,与男性共同成为职场上的经营者,成为二十一世纪重要的人力资源。 本研究拟透过Zaltman隐喻诱引技术(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,简称ZMET),藉由图像隐喻挖掘企业员工对女性主管管理形象的真实认知,并归纳出上司、同事及部属对女性管理者的认知差异,产生各类型的心智地图,提供企业人力资源规划与管理方面的参考。 研究发现,一级主管对其部属是女性主管的认知,为因其所处的职位关系,在工作上并不会因性别而有所差异,方法上可以使用柔性管理;同为二级女性主管的认知,为以专业、中性、问题分析与解决能力、人际沟通技术;部属间对女性主管大都为期待,如方向明确、人才培育、给部属发展的空间。 【关键词】女性主管、管理形象、ZMET The managers are essential elements in making or failing the corporation. The females’ roles in a corporation has been transformed from assistants and supporting staff to decision makers as well as business administrators since the company started to alter the criteria for selecting talents in order to adapt to organizational changes. The females have become important human resources in the 21st century. With the application of the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique ZMET , this study explores the real perception of employers towards the managerial images of the female management with image metaphors while extracting the perception differences towards a female manager among her executives, colleagues, and subordinates for a variety of mental maps as a reference to the human resources planning and management of a corporation. This study finds out that the feminine gender of a manager—as a subordinate of an executive—doesn’t lead to the difference of the executive’s perception towards her. This phenomenon can be concluded as a result of the line responsibility between the executive and the female manager in the organization. Soft management can be applied in this managerial circumstance. The colleagues’ perception to a female manager includes professionalism, neutrality, problem analysis and resolution, and interpersonal communication skills. Perception of subordinates to a female manager mainly comprises of such expectations as offering clarity of orientation, establishing subordinates’ capabilities, and giving room for subordin


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