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The Infrastructure for M-Commerce on the Train ABSTRACT The broadband wireless access is emerging as a promising technology to meet the ever-increasing demand of M-commerce on the train. The traditional railroad communication system RCS is not only in charge of the traditional train scheduling, but also offers broadband WLAN services to passengers and provides the network platform to the intelligent railroad information system. This imposes a major challenge on the capability of the RCS in response to the increasing application requirements, particularly, the one for ubiquitous Internet access. To take the advantage of the rapid evolving mobile communication technology, this paper proposes an IEEE 802.20 based broadband railroad digital network, namely BRDN, for the next generation RCS. The paper further presents the scenario how BRDN operates and identifies the IP mobility as the major technical issue to be solved for BRDN. The predictability of mobile IP for the train-based applications will ease the difficulties in implementing BRDN. With the availability of IP standard for the next generation Internet - IPv6, BRDN will eventually become a reality. Keywords: M-commerce; Broadband wireless network; Railroad Communication; Mobile IP 1. INTRODUCTION With the advancement of information technology, M-commerce is undergoing a rapidly growth and exerting significant impacts on the economy. According to Finfacts’ report based on several sources [8], the percentage of Internet users who use the wireless access grow from 16% in 2001 to 41.5% in 2004 . This figure will continue to get as high as 56.8% in 2007 with the total number Internet users almost tripled from that in 2001. In 2002, although only 2% of Internet users were using the “mobile cash” but 44% intended to use it later. IDC predicted that during 2001 to 2007, the M-commerce revenue in the US will grow from $127 million to $58.4 billion – more than 400 times. Known as “wireless E-commerce”, M-commerce gener


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