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成功面试应避免10大错误 成功避免面试中出现最常见,最危险的错误的最好办法就是事前经过深思熟虑并决心不犯错误。看一下面试中会经常发生哪10大错误:   1.撒谎   撒谎是把不好的事情说成好的事情,在面试中极具诱惑力,但是却得不到好报。马克.吐温曾说:“如果能讲实话就不用刻意去记那些事情。”仔细想想,他们最终还是会发现破绽的。  How To Avoid the Top 10 Interview Mistakes   by Clare Jaques, Monster’s Interview Expert   The best way to avoid the most common and dangerous interview mistakes is to think ahead and decide not to make them... Read on for a whistle-stop tour of the top ten interview clangers!   1. Lying   Although it’s tempting, it doesn’t work. By all means gloss over the unflattering things. But out-right fibbing NEVER pays.   Mark Twain said: If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything. Think about it. They will catch you out later.   2.抨击你以前的公司或老板   你可以说是因为你以前的公司对你一点也不好,所以你对以前的工作非常厌倦而且义无返顾的离开。但是面试并不是俟机来寻找报复的,你要记住此时面试者正在观察你的一言一行并在考虑是否录用你。问问你自己,你是否愿意和那些经常批评别人的人一起工作呢?是不是让你觉得有些讨厌?而且问题是此时面试者却想从你的答案里面得到更多的结论。因此你对你老板或雇主的肆无忌惮的评论可能就被理解为你做事的风格了,你的抱怨会让你显得不光彩而并不是你以前的老板。  2. Slating your current company or boss   Fed up with your current job and would give anything to leave because they’ve treated you badly? Your job interview is NOT the time to seek revenge. Bear in mind that the interviewer will be listening to your answers and thinking about what it would be like to work with you. Ask yourself: do you like working with people who constantly criticise others? Isnt it a bit wearing? The trouble is that the interviewer draws massive conclusions from your answers. So your throwaway comment about your boss or employer may be interpreted to be your standard way of thinking. It makes you look bad, not your employer.   3.行为粗鲁   假如你偶尔的表现粗鲁,那么立即冷静且真诚的同他们道个歉,然后不要顾虑太多继续你的面试。表现好的话,你的面试将大受影响。那么,什么才叫“粗鲁”?这就要看你的观众了。通常,避免在谈到敏感话题时发笑和意识到要多对面试者友好一些:这些就是基本的礼貌和友善。毕竟,你跟他们不在同一条船上,保持专业性的同时也要记住见到的每个人都可能会参与选择的过程,因此不礼貌的对待侍卫或是趾高气扬的同老职工说话都会让你的工作成为泡影。  3. Being Rude   If you find you were accidentally rude, then apologise calmly and genuinely. Then leave it behind you and get on with the rest of the interview. If you dwell on it


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