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《数字逻辑设计及应用》课程教学大纲 课程编号 学时:64 学分:4 课外上机:16学时 先修课程:《高等数学》、《电路分析基础》、《模拟电路基础》 教材: 《DIGITAL DESIGN ---Principles Practices》(Third Edition),John F. Wakerly,高等教育出版社,2001年5月 《数字设计—原理与实践》(原书第三版) John F. Wakerly 林生 等译 机械工业出版社 2003年8月 一、课程的性质和任务 本课程是通讯工程、电子信息工程、测控技术与仪器、自动化、生物医学工程等多个专业方向所共有的一门重要技术基础课。 要求学生通过本课程学习掌握数字逻辑电路的基本原理与特性、数字逻辑电路分析方法、数字逻辑电路设计和综合技能。数字逻辑电路)ecimal numbers))))Alan B. Marcovitz . Introduction to Logic Design (影印版),清华大学出版社,2002 2. Victor P. Nelson H. Troy Nagle Bill D. Carroll J. David Irwin . Digital Logic Circuit Analysis Design 清华大学出版社,Prentice Hall, Inc, 1997 3.John M.Yarbrough . Digital Logic Applicatons and Design 机械工业出版社 2002 4.阎 石,数字电子技术基础(第四版),高等教育出版社,1998 5.王毓银,数字逻辑设计,高等教育出版社,2001 6.龙忠琪,贾立新,数字集成电路教程,科学出版社,2001 7. 毛法尧,欧阳星明,任宏萍,数字逻辑,华中科技大学出版社,1996 8. 沈嗣昌,数字系统设计,北京航空工业出版社,1996 9.何绪芃,曾发祚,脉冲与数字电路,电子科技大学出版社,1995 10.万栋义,脉冲与数字电路(第二版), 11. 刘宝琴,数字电路与系统,清华大学出版社,1993 12.陈贵灿,邵志标,程军,林长贵,CMOS集成电路设计,西安交通大学出版社,2000 《电子信息工程》专业教学大纲 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrowers withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrowers account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guara


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