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CHA 2 重金主义 To the mercantilists, stocks of precious metals represented the wealth of a nation. The mercantilists contended that the government should adopt trade controls to limit imports and promote exports. One nation could gain from trade only at the expense of its trading partners because of the stock of world wealth was fixed at a given moment in time and because not all nations could have a positive trade balance. 对于重金主义来说,珍贵金属的储存量代表了一个国家的财富。重金主义认为政府应该施行贸易管制来限制进口和促进出口。一个国家只能牺牲它的贸易伙伴的利益来获利,因为在给定时间点上,世界的财富是固定的,而且不能所有的国家同时出现贸易顺差。 绝对优势 Smith challenged the mercantilists’ views on trade by arguing that, with free trade, international specialization of factor inputs could increase world output, which could be shared by trading nations. All nations could enjoy gains from trade. S maintained that each nation would find it advantageous to specialize in the production of those goods in which it had an absolute advantage. 史密斯对重金主义的观点提出挑战。它认为通过自由贸易,投入要素的国际专业化分工会增加世界产出,它可被各贸易国所分享。所有国家能同时获得贸易收益。每个国家都将发现专门生产本国具有绝对优势的产品是有利的。 相对优势 Ricardo argued that mutually trade is possible even if one nation has an absolute disadvantage in the production of both commodities compared with the other nation. The less productive nation should specialize in the production and export of the commodity in with it has a comparative advantage. 即便一个国家相比另一个国家,两种商品都处于完全劣势,互利贸易也是有可能的。生产率低的国家应该专门生产并出口有着相对优势的商品。 生产可能性曲线 Comparative costs can be illustrated with the production possibilities schedule. This schedule indicates the maximum amount of any two products an economy can produce, assuming that all resources are used in their most efficient manner. The slope of the production possibilities schedule provides a measure of the marginal rate of transformation, which indicates the amount of one product that must be sacrificed per unit increase of anther product. 相对成本可用生产可能性曲线说明。这条曲线代表了一个经济体系能生产的两种产品的最大产量组合,假设所有资源使用效率最大化。这条曲线的斜率提供了一种测量边际转换率的方法,它代表了每增加一单位一种产品要牺牲多少单位另一种产品。 Marginal rate o


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