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摘 要 随着城市的发展,城市人口的激增,城镇规模的扩大,生活污水和工业废水排出量日益增多,大量未经处理的污水直接排入周围河流,致使城市周围环境污染十分严重。这不但直接污染了市区的地下饮用水,而且对河流下游地区的农业生产和人民生活造成了危害,人类和生物赖以生存的生态环境受到了日益严重的威胁。因而城市污水治理已成当前迫切需要解决的问题之一,而建造污水处理厂可以解决这个问题。此外,水资源是经济可持续发展的基本保证,污水的任意排放或处理不彻底的排放,都会给水资源环境带来严重的污染问题。 基于上述原因,本设计在充分调研该市水文地质、受纳水体水质资料、人口分布和气象条件的情况下,对包括排水管网和污水处理厂的整套排水设施进行设计。其中,对进水水质、出水水质进行分析,污水处理厂一级、以及以CASS法为主体的二级处理工艺流程的选择给予说明,对具体污水及污泥构筑物结构进行了详细计算。 关键词 污水处理厂 进水水质 出水水质 CASS法 污泥处理 Abstract With the development of cities, the violent increase of the population and the expansion of the city scale, the amount of discharge of city sewage and industrial wastewater is increasing faster and faster. An overwhelmingly large amount of the wastewater is discharged into the waters without disposal, which makes the urban environment deteriorates seriously. As a result, the ground water of the city is inevitably contaminated and the agriculture and people’s life in the downstream areas are affected, too. The ecological environment is being threatened, which makes one of the priorities to dispose of the wastewater and sewage. And the establishment of the wastewater treatment plant can tackle the serious issue.Beside,Water resources ensure the sustaining development of economy. Sewage discharged at random or half treated can expose serious pollution to the water resources. The design based on the hydrological, geological and receiving water materials. It includes the distribution of waster water discharge system and design of wastewater treatment plant. Specifically, it reasons the choice of primary and secondary treatment process—CASS process, the calculation of constructing process. Meanwhile,evaluate and calculate the total cost of the project. Keywords urban waste water treatment plant, receiving water,inflow quality, outflow quality, CASS process, sludge treatment 目 录 摘 要...............................................................................................................................1 Abstract..................................


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