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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 氨选择性催化还原处理硝酸厂 尾气的设计 学生姓名: 颜 溧 学生学号: 座机电话号码3040 院(系): 生物与化学工程学院 年级专业: 环境工程 指导教师: 伍斌 讲师 摘 要 NOx的排放对我国的环境造成越来越大的危害,而选择性催化还原是使用最广泛,技术最成熟的脱硝技术。故本设计,采用, 关键词,, ABSTRACT It is great harmful for the environment by the emission of NOx,while selective catalytic reduction is the most widely used and the most mature denitration technology.So the design used the ammonia selective catalytic reduction processing by four SCR reactor for denitration processing and four heat exchanger according to the characteristics of nitric acid tail gas that factory discharged,and unit had the capacity for 11560Nm3/h.The whole denitration process with the technological process had been identified first,then equipment had been caculated through either the material balance or heat balance on the basis of the primary data and the quantity of the exhaust gas per hour with the result of that:the diameter of the SCR reactor which has 1500mm height of catalyst betd was 1000mm;the diameter of the heat exchanger was 1000mm and 240 heat exchange tubes was 2800mm length with the diameter for 38mm;the diameter of the commencement furnace was 600mm and the height was 1200mm.Meanwhile the cost of construction was 16.19 million yuan and the operation expenses was 1.73 million yuan per ton of NOx. Through holding the whole process and the calculation of the equipment,the graph paper of flowcharts、SCR reactor equipment、the heat exchanger equipment and plant layout had been draw out finally. Keywords Selective catalytic reduction,heat exchanger,commencement furnace,the reactor 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪 论 1 1.1 烟气脱硝研究现状 1 1.2 SCR脱硝反应机理研究 3 1.3 SCR脱硝的动力学研究 4 1.4 影响SCR法脱硝率的因素 5 1.4.1 催化剂特性对工艺的影响 5 1.4.2 SCR反应器入口烟气参数对工艺的影响 7 1.4.3 SCR反应器结构设计对工艺的影响 8 1.5 氨法SCR反应器的布置方案 8 1.5.1 高粉尘布置的SCR工艺及其特点 9 1.5.2 低粉尘布置的SCR工艺及其特点 9 1.5.3 末端布置的SCR工艺及其特点 10 1.6 本设计的设计目的及意义 11 2 工艺流程设计 12 2.1 设计任务书 12 2.2 设计依据 12 2.2.1 尾气的性质 12 2.2.2 当地气候条件 12 2.2.3 本设计所采用的物化常数 12 2.2.4 相关环境法律法规 13 2.2.5 设计原则及范围 13 2.3 SCR脱硝



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