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如何用手机通过天翼客户端有线宽带登陆上网 | 浏览:38 | 更新:2013-10-07 15:22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 分步阅读 天翼客户端是电信公司为电信手机用户提供的接入网络的一种软件,可以通过“有线宽带”、“WIFI”、“3G”和“家庭无线”模式进行连接。今天小编给大家分享一下如何用手机通过天翼客户端有线宽带登陆上网。 天翼客户端(PC版)已获得天翼帐号的手机 1 在电脑上下载天翼客户端(PC版),在百度有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎下可以查到,相信大家都会,这里小编不在讲述了。 2 安装完毕后,在电脑上运行“天翼宽带”程序,进入主页面。 3 在主页面上点击右上角的“菜单”,然后点击“设置”项。 4 在弹出的设置对话框中选择“有线宽带帐号”,然后在右侧输入“宽带帐号”和“密码”点击确定。 5 然后返回在主页面上,点击“有线宽带”项,系统自动接入网络(在电脑右下角也有连接标志)。 6 用数据线通过USb连接手机与电脑,然后在天翼主页面上点击向上的箭头,打开菜单栏。此时就将手机接入到网络了,可以上网了。 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure



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