
14 刘扬 外学生缘何留学中国.doc

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外国学生缘何留学中国? —基于北京高校调查的实证研究 刘 扬 王慧 孔繁盛 (北京航空航天大学 高等教育研究所,北京100191) (悉尼大学 教育与社工学院,悉尼,NSW2006) 摘要:我国政府在《纲要》里明确提出要扩大外国留学生规模、优化来华留学人员结构和不断提高来华留学教育质量的政策目标。要吸引大规模、高质量的留学生来华留学,须深入了解为什么外国学生选择留学中国。北京是来华留学生最集中的地区,具有很强的代表性。本研究以“推拉理论”为基本框架,对北京六所高校的外国留学生进行了抽样调查,研究发现:对中国文化的兴趣、看重在中国的工作与发展机会、以及中国高等教育的质量、入学机会等,是吸引留学生来华留学的重要原因。特征分析显示,外国留学生主要来源于发展中国家,所学专业以汉语言和经济管理为主,半数以上学生希望留在中国工作。 关键词:外国留学生、留学中国、留学原因、北京高校、实证研究 Why Do Foreign Students Choose to Study in China? An Empirical Analysis Based on the Survey Data from Beijing Universities LIU Yang, HUNG Fan-sing (Institute of Higher Education, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia) Abstract: the national government proposed clearly in the policy “Outline” that the state will further enlarge the scale of foreign students, and optimize the structure of foreigners who study in China, and promote the quality of foreign students’ education. If we want to attract large scale and high quality foreign students to study in China, it is necessary to deeply understand why they choose to study in China. Beijing is the area with largest density of foreign students, so foreign students in Beijing, to some extent, could represent the foreign students’ opinion on this issue. This study, using “Push and Pull Factor Theory” as basic theoretical framework, does a sampling survey in six universities in Beijing. We find that having interest in Chinese culture, valuing the opportunities to work and development in China, attaching importance to the quality of higher education of China and the entrance opportunities into universities of China, are the most important reasons that attract the foreign students to study in China. Besides, students from developing countries are main part of the foreign students, the most popular field of study are Chinese, business and management, and more than half foreign students expect in different extent to stay and work in Chin


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