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大学生英语学习俱乐部2010—2011年度 第一学期工作总结 本学期我社团在校团委的正确领导下,在社团联合会、英语系团总支、学生会及兄弟社团的大力支持下我社团的各项工作也基本告一段落。本学年,在校团委, 在校团委领导的关心下,在社团联合会的直接领导下,在各社团同仁以及兄弟社团组织的支持帮助下,本着“和谐校园,你我共建”的宗旨,紧紧围绕校团委中心工作,进一步完善组织制度建设,加强社团的管理,促进社团的自我完善和自我发展,同时,组织和引导社团积极开展丰富多彩的社团活动,为我校 “社团巡礼月”工作起到了积极的推动作用,也为开拓社团工作新局面,繁荣学生第二课堂做出了有利的贡献。在此,我谨提高社团服务和管理水平,确保社团有序健康发展,工作效率有待提高,工作方法有待改善注重干部培养和梯度建设做到“工作任务明确化,干部队伍精练化,服务效率高效化”确保我社团可持续发展社团干部队伍的精英化2010-12-9 同学们在听讲座 万圣节我社会员才艺展示 万圣节南瓜灯 外籍教师和同学们交流 外籍教师在才艺展示 丰富多彩的社团活动 评委老师在点评英语口语演讲 工作人员和指导老师合影 老师点评 大学生英语学习俱乐部2010—2011年度 第一学期工作总结 大学生英语学习俱乐部 2010-12-9 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment,


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