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Development of the Novel Fire-Retardant Filler and Study of its Characteristic of Flame Retardance
研究生:王欽儀 Wang, Chin-I
指導教授:周春禧 Chou, Chuen-Shii
【摘要】 本研究之目的為運用台灣台東向陽場區所開採之極具經濟效應礦產-絹雲母,為白雲母之一種,是層狀矽酸鹽礦類,化學式為Al4 OH 4 KAlSi3O10 2。透過其耐高溫及良好絕緣性之特點,替代一般傳統膨脹型防火塗料之碳源,並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡 SEM 、χ光粉末繞射分析儀、雷射粒徑分析儀、能量分佈分析儀及45°燃燒試驗儀,分別檢測阻燃填料之微結構、阻燃填料之成分分析、阻燃填料之粒徑分佈、阻燃填料之原素含量、阻燃填料製備之新型防火塗料之防焰效果、膨脹碳層之微觀結構及膨脹碳層之成分分析,探討無碳阻燃填料應用於防火塗料之效應及對於合板阻燃性質之影響,並進一步搭配人造石墨 MGP 及天然石墨,透過不同混合參數,分析阻燃填料的微觀構造和導熱性對於整體阻燃性之影響。並透過異戊四醇之添加,探討阻燃填料運用在新型防火塗料以及傳統防火塗料之差異,以期待發展新型之防火塗料。在膨脹型防火塗料,將與發泡劑三聚氰胺、催化劑聚磷酸銨、黏結劑水性壓克力樹脂及溶劑混合後,製備出防火塗料塗布於合板基材上,經45°燃燒試驗儀試驗其表面炭化長度由合板 對照組 之炭化長度.6公分減少至公分,達國家標準 CNS 7614 規定之防焰一級,有效提高火焰防護之效果。膨脹型防火塗料、、人造石墨、發泡劑、催化劑、三聚氰胺、 聚磷酸銨his study investigated the applicability of the new flame retardant for the intumescent fire retardant coating IFRC daubed on the top the plywood. Three kinds of flame retardant used herein were: 1 the artificial mesophase graphite powder MGP , 2 the sericite Al4 OH 4 KAlSi3O10 2 and 3 the graphite/sericite mixture. The sizes of MGP and sericite were sieved, and then the surfaces of MGP and sericite were modified using a Mechanofusion system. The MGP and sercite were characterized using a scanning electron microscope SEM , a particle size analyzer and an energy dispersive spectrum EDS . The IFRC, which consisted of 19.8 % of the flame retardant, 15 % of the dehydrate agent, 18 % of the foaming agent, 7.2 % of the resin binder and 40 % of the solvent, was prepared and daubed on the top of the plywood. The test of the fire protection of IFRC was conducted using a flammabilitytester. The IFRC with the flame retardant of the raw MGP or sericite was also prepared to realize the effects of the size distribution and the configuration of the flame retardant on the capability of fire protection of IFRC. The mass ratio of MGP to sericite also substantially affects the capability of fire protection of IFRC. Most interestingly, the capability o