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Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
for energy and resource recovery
研究生:陳重佑 Chen, Chung- Yo
指導教授:郭文健 Kuo, Wen-Chien
為了瞭解厭氧消化系統模廠规模的效果,以3000L酸化槽及12000L醱酵槽兩相式半連續式厭氧試驗。在第一階段,廚餘為一基質,此外進料濃度體積負荷(VLR)分別定為90g COD/L-d 和4.5kg COD/ m3-day。進料量為600L/d而醱酵槽的水力停留時間(HRT)為20 天。在第二階段,進料基質改為廚餘、豬糞尿、以及果菜市場廢棄物之複合基質。維持與第一階段相同的體積負荷與進料濃度條件下,並在兩階段中進行系統性能與產氣量之探討g/L,TCOD/TKN為363.8,TCOD/TP為226.8,顯示廚餘中N營養鹽有不足的現象。在果菜市場廢棄物方面,TCOD濃度約為1058 g/kg,TCOD/TKN TCOD/TP分別為302.8及392.9,由此性質分析可以知道,、g/kg,TCOD/TKN與TCOD/TP平均分別為265.4及218.3,,、,,、,±12.9%及81.2±5.4%。產氣量約為20.11±1.84 m3/day ,產氣中甲烷及二氧化碳濃度百分比分別為51.3 ± 4.8%及± 3.4%,雖然甲烷百分比與文獻提到的有點差落,但是產氣回收率平均約為77.6±12.5%。 第二階段操作其間,每天進料之複合機質包含廚餘150kg、豬糞尿27 kg、果菜市場廢棄物88kg。在分析方面,SS及TCOD去除率方面分別為92.14±0.97%及78.39±0.95%,產氣量約為± 1.42 m3/day ,甲烷與二氧化碳百分率分別為±1.59%及±4.89%,回收率產氣±4.69%,此現象第一階段相比有明顯的落差,推測可能是基體從一個容易被生物降解的廚餘轉變成廚餘,水果和蔬菜廢物,豬糞便殘渣複合基質。
To understand the performance of a pilot scale anaerobic digestion system, a two-phased semi-CSTR system with a volume of 3000 L acidogenesis tank and a 12,000 L methanogenesis tank was investigated. In the first stage, kitchen waste was the only substrate, and influent concentration and volumetric loading rate VLR were set at 90 g COD/L-d and 4.5 kg COD/ m3-day, respectively. The influent flowrate was 600 L/d and hydraulic retention time HRT of the methanogenesis tank was 20 days. In the second stage, the substrate was changed to combine kitchen waste, pig manure residue, and fruit and vegetable wastes. The amount was adjusted to maintain the system at the same loading rate and influent concentration with the first stage. System performance and gas production of the two stages are studied.
In the characterization of organic wastes, the average TCOD of kitchen waste was 170.9g/L, indicating a high organic content waste. The TCOD/TKN and TCOD/TP were 363.8 and 226.8, respectively, indicating a possible deficiency of nitrogen. In the fruit and vegetable waste, the a