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朝陽科技大學教職員工性騷擾防治措施、申訴及懲戒規定 Chaoyang University of Technology Regulations on the Prevention, Complaints, and Punishment of Sexual Harassment for Faculty and Staff. 99學年度第2學期第4次行政會議訂定(100.07.06) Promulgated by the 4th Administration meeting in 2011 spring semester (July 6th, 2011) 101學年度第1學期第1次校務會議修正(101.10.31) Amended by the 1st Administration meeting in 2012 fall semester (October 31st, 2012) 朝陽科技大學(以下簡稱本校)為維護教職員工工作權益,提供免於性騷擾之工作環境,採取適當之預防、糾正、懲戒及處理措施,依據「性別工作平等法」、「校園性侵害或性騷擾防治準則」、「工作場所性騷擾防治措施申訴及懲戒辦法訂定準則」及「性騷擾防治法」,訂定「朝陽科技大學教職員工性騷擾防治措施申訴及懲戒規定」(以下簡稱本規定)。 Article 1 Chaoyang University of Technology Regulations on Prevention, Complaints, and Punishment of Sexual Harassment for Faculty and Staff (hereafter referred to as the Regulations) are prescribed in order to protect the right of faculty or staff, provide a sexual-harassment-free working environment, and enforce appropriate preventive, corrective, punishment, and handling measures. These regulations are drawn according to the Gender Equity Education Act, Regulations on the Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or Sexual Bullying on campus, Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Law. 第二條 本規定適用於本校教職員工相互間發生之性騷擾事件。 前項本校教職員工係指依學校對其管理程度,由高至低可概略分為正式編制職員、學校直接約聘僱人員、替代役、透過人力派遣公司約聘僱人員、外包廠商派駐於學校人員(如保全、餐廳廚工)、由教師直接聘用之研究助理及其他人員(如影印機廠商定期到校維修人員)。 Article 2 The regulations are applicable to sexual harassment incidents that happen between faculty and staff on campus. The aforesaid faculty and staffs of the school refer to certified staff, contract-based staff, substitute services personnel, contract-based staff from a manpower company, accredited staff from the outsourcing factory (such as security guards and chefs), and research assistants hired by professors directly and other personnel (such as maintenance staff sent by the copier machine factory for regular check-up). 第三條 本規定所稱之性騷擾係指性


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