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人力资本与户籍歧视( —基于浙江省企业职工调查数据的研究 姚先国1,黄志岭2 (1.浙江大学公共管理学院,杭州 310027;2.浙江大学经济学院,杭州 310027) [摘要]本文利用最近浙江省企业职工调查数据探讨了人力资本对城乡户籍歧视的影响。研究结果发现,工资差异的80%是由个体特征差异引起的,另外20%是由歧视造成的;城乡户籍歧视主要发生在高中组,该群体的歧视程度高达45.9%,其次为大学组和初中组,分别为29.5%和-2.0%。这一结果使那种认为教育程度提高能够降低受歧视程度的假说在中国城乡劳动力市场上得不到很好的验证。本文提出了另一种补充的假说,即职业竞争假说来解释本文的发现。认为高中组遭受严重歧视是因为职业岗位的激烈竞争,使得该群体一部分人学不能致用,或在同等条件下接受低于城市本地人的工资收入。研究结果表明,消除城乡户籍歧视和工资差异,关键在于建立公平、公正和平等的就业环境。 [关键词]:人力资本;户籍歧视;工资差异 中图分类号 F244.2 文献标识 A Human Capital and Huji Discrimination —An Analysis Based on Enterprise Employee Data in Zhejiang (YAOXIANGUO HUANGZHILING) (College of Public Administration, ZheJiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;College of Economics,Zhe Jiang University,Hangzhou 310027, China) Abstract: This paper use newely zhejiang enterprise employee data to discuss the impact of human capital on huji discrimination. We find 80% of the total urban-rural wage differentials is imputed to the effects of difference in individual chacteristics and 20% to the effects of the discrimination. Our research is not just stopped here, we also divide our sample into three groups which are secondary, higher and college workers to explore which group easily encounted discrimination in the labor market. We find the discrimination mainly occurred in the higher school worker, in which the unexplained portion is up to 45.9%, while the number in the secondary and college group is -2.0% and 29.5%. So the assumption that education can reduce the unexplained gaps is not approved well in China urban-rural labor market. Then we have proposed another compensated supposition that the phenomenon is resulted from the higher school worker face much more great occupational competition in the labor market. Furthermore, this finding indicate that the key measure to eliminate the huji discrimination and wage differentials is to establish equity environment. Keywords: Human Capital;Huji Discrimination;Wage differentials 一、引言 1978年底开始的农村家庭承包制改革,解决了人民公社制度下因平均分配原则而导致的激励不足问题,劳动生产率大


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