
机械业企业资源规划与自动仓储资讯整合个案研究 .doc

机械业企业资源规划与自动仓储资讯整合个案研究 .doc

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以限制理論現況樹探討二次導入ERP之關鍵問題 楊子青林聖期 靜宜大學資訊管理學系 聯絡作者:楊子青,( 摘要 企業資源規劃是企業未來千禧年危機時促進了一波企業資源規劃的導入與應用,隨著台灣即將邁入民國一百年,許多公司面臨百年蟲危機,考慮修改或導入新系統。然而許多公司導入後,並未獲得預期的,或是並沒有利用已導入的系統來運作,因此已有一些公司進行二次導入企業資源規劃系統。本研究針對國內廠商進行個案探討,以限制理論現況樹為工具,分析公司內的隱性關鍵問題,再以此比較兩次導入之差異關鍵。 關鍵字:、關鍵問題、限制理論、現況樹Applying the Current Reality Tree of TOC on Critical Problems for Reimplementing ERP Tzyy-Ching Yang, Sheng-chi Lin Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Providence University Correspondence: Tzyy-Ching Yang,( Abstract Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) is an important information infrastructure that enterprises need to face for future challenge. When the Millennium Crisis (Year 2000 Problem, Y2K) was coming, many companies had implemented ERP application. As one hundred years is coming for Taiwan, other companies may encounter hundred years problem. Therefore, these companies begin to consider modifying or implementing a new ERP system. However, many companies which have implemented ERP system can’t achieve their expect benefits. It might be a reason that some companies have carried out to reimplement ERP system. This study tries to use case study to explore the reimplementing ERP Company. We adopt the current reality tree of theory of constraints (TOC) to analyze the critical problem. Following that, we compare the difference of first implement and second implement ERP to propose the critical problems. They include system evaluation and interview, ERP system go live, the attitude of users, the modification of business process, the guidance of bill of materials (BOM), the modification of core system, the attitude of executive, the staff turnover, the ability of cross-module, the experience of consultant company, the correspondences of BOM in manufacturing industry. Keyword: ERP Implementation, Critical Problem, Theory of Constraints (TOC), Current Reality Tree 1.緒論 隨著企業經營環境不斷的改變、競爭條件不斷變化更替,以及國際化專業分工的趨勢,企業變得格外複雜,傳統資訊系統已經無法滿足企業對於跨國整合及來多的網際網路應用需求,於是企業資源規劃系統(En


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