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杂交稻Ⅱ优1259产量构成因素分析与高产栽培技术研究 乐开富 (福建省三明市农业科学研究所,福建 沙县 365500) 摘 要:Ⅱ优1259是福建省三明市农科所育成的籼型杂交中、晚稻新组合。对Ⅱ优1259的产量构成因素进行分析,结果表明,每穗粒数与产量的相关系数达极显著水平,结实率与产量的相关系数达显著水平,有效穗、千粒重对产量的影响也较大,但未达显著水平。有效穗与每穗粒数的负相关达极显著水平。通径分析表明, 每穗粒数、有效穗、结实率、千粒重对产量的直接通径系数分别为0.9293、0.7349、0.5720、0.2920。为了探讨Ⅱ优1259高产栽培技术,运用最优设计,进行移栽叶龄、密度、施N量、施K量4项栽培措施研究并建立产量与4项栽培措施的回归模型,结果表明,影响产量的主要因素是移栽叶龄、密度和施N量。经微机模拟筛选出高产的技术措施是:4.5~5.8叶移栽,每公顷插21.75~29.55万丛,施纯N量122.3~207.4㎏,施K2O 56.8~200.9㎏。 关键词:杂交稻;Ⅱ优1259;产量构成;最优设计;效应分析;模拟选优 中图分类号:S 511 文献标识码:A Analysis of Yield Components and Study on Combination Culture Techniques for Hybrid Rice-Ⅱ you 1259 LE Kai-fu Sanming Institute of Agricultural Science, Shaxian Fujian 365500,China Abstract: ⅡYou1259 was a indica combinations for middle-late rice which was bred by Sanming Institute of Agricultural Science, Analysis on the Yield Component Factors of ⅡYou1259 indicated that the correlated coefficient between spikelet number per panicle and the yield was positively significant at 0.01 level, The correlated coefficient between seed setting rate and the yield was significant at 0.05 level, panicle number, 1000-grain weight has large influence on the yield, but did not reach significant level. The correlated coefficient between panicle number and spikelet number per panicle was negatively significant at 0.01 level. The results of path analysis indicated that direct path coefficients of spikelet number per panicle, panicle number, seed setting rate,1000-grain weight to the yield were 0.9293,0.7349, 0.5720 and 0.2920. For the purpose of studying the high-yielding cultural techniques of ⅡYou1259, There are four targets planting density x1, transplanting leaf-age x2,nitrogen rate x3,potassium rate x4 were studied for cultivation measures by the method of optimization design.The regression models of four targets with yield were established. The results showed that main influential elements for the yield were transplanting leaf-age,planting density and nitrogen rate. After simulated scree


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