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摘 要 本文设计的由单片机控制的自动加料系统是与料斗式干燥机配套的加料系统。根据加料工艺要求,其工作原理是:先将真空管关闭,启动电机,用低真空气流将塑料树脂粒子送入真空管,电机停转,再将粒子排入料斗,如此循环。在设计的控制系统中,可用一个电机控制两个加料生产线,由方向阀切换。两个生产线既可单独运行,也可同时运行。假如两者同时运行,当一生产线输送结束后,判断到另一个生产线排料已经结束,那么,电机不停转而方向阀换向,从而为另一个生产线送料。这样可以发挥控制系统和电机的效率,从而实现供料自动化。控制系统的控制器由单片机和扩展电路组成。单片机控制继电器,继电器控制交流接触器,又由接触器控制电机等执行机构的运动。本控制系统可以根据送料工艺的需要,设置两条生产线的输送、排料、满料、空料等参数值,也可装载系统前次工艺参数值。 :AT89C5单片机;自动加料机;控制系统 Abstrac The design is controlled by a single-chip automatic feeding system.Charging process in accordance with the requirements of its working principle is:first vacuum tube to close,star motor,using low vacuum piastic resin particles will flow into the vacuum tube,the electrical switch to stop,and then particles into the hopper,and so the cycle .In the desing of the control system can aontrol two motors feed a production rine,form the direction swieching vavle.Can separate the two production lines ruuning,can slao be run at the same time.If both run,when a production line after the transmission to the direction to determine a production line to another has come to an end marker,then turn to the direction of the electrical non-stop for the valve,so as to feed anoder production line.That is a motor control system and the efficiency of feed in order to achieve automation. Control system controller and expansion of the single-chip AT89S51 circuit.SCM relay,AC contactor control relay and contector control by the implanting agencies,such as motor sports.The control system can feed the needs of technology,set up the delivery,of two production lines,nesting,nesting,full feed,air feed,such as parameter values,the system can also be loaded with the value of the previous process parameters. Key words:AT89S51;microcontroller;relay;AC contactor;the control system; 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 题目来源及课题意义 1 1.2 自动加料机控制系统的工作原理及技术要求 1 1.3 系统的主要技术参数: 1 第二章 方案论证 2 2.1 单片机的选择 2 2.2 物位传感器的选择 3 2.3 存储器扩展电路的选择 4 2.4 LED显示电路选择 6 2.5 键盘输入电路 7 第三章 自动加料机主电路 8 3.1 主机电路核心器件介绍 8 3.2 显示电路 12 3.3 继电器控制电路 14 3


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