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液滴测速系统 Liquid Drop Speed Measurement System 产品概述: 液滴测速系统采用DC5V电压工作,当感应区没有液体,蜂鸣器报警,感应区有液体,蜂鸣器不报警。1602液晶显示模块,显示每10秒的液滴数,并且可设置一个每10秒的液滴数进行对照,是一个制作简单、成本低廉的简易液滴测速系统,适用于工厂、医院重症监护室输液、等场所。 The liquid drop speed measurement system uses DC 5V to work. When there is no liquid in the infrared area, the buzzer will alarm and when there is liquid in the infrared area, the buzzer will not alarm. The LCD 1602 can display the drops of liquid every 10 second. You can set the drops of liquid every 10 second for reference.It is a low-cost and simple liquid drop speed measurement system. It is suitable for the areas such as works, hospital 产品功能: 1)开机硬件初始化时,1602液晶显示模块显示设定好的界面。 2)当感应区没有液体,蜂鸣器报警,显示模块上面YW栏显示N。 3)当感应区有液体,蜂鸣器不报警,显示模块上面YW栏显示Y,并且滴落一滴液滴,显示模块上面显示加一。 4)通过两个按钮设定每10秒液滴数。 Function After the initialization of hardware, the LCD1602 will display the pre-set interface. When there is no liquid in the infrared area, the buzzer will alarm and the LCD1602 will display the N on the YN column. When there is liquid in the infrared area, the buzzer will not alarm and the LCD1602 will display the Y on the YN column. And if there is a drop of liquid, the display of LCD1602 will add one. You can set the drops of liquid every 10 second by tow buttons. 物料清单: Components List icstation UNO R3(Item ID2321 含下载线一根) 1套 ICStation Atmega328P UNO R3 Dev. Board Compatible Arduino /product_info.php?products_id=3746 面包板(Item ID:1450) 1个 830 Point Solderless PCB Bread Board MB-102 Test DIY /product_info.php?products_id=1450 红外线发射管(Item ID:569) 2个 5mm Infrared Emitting LED /product_info.php?products_id=569 VS1838B红外接收管(Item ID:668) 2个 TL1838 VS1838B VS1838 Universal Receiving Head /product_info.php?products_id=668 有源蜂鸣器模块(Item ID:2512) 1个 Active Buzzer Module for Arduino /product_info.php?products_id=2512 面包线(Item ID:1437) 39根 65pcs Breadboard Plug Wire Cable Tire /produc



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