Oracle BA数据库结构试题精选.doc

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Oracle BA数据库结构试题精选

Oracle DBA数据库结构试题精选(1) 更新时间:(2003-3-17) Q. 1 : Physical Disk Resources in an Oracle Database are 1. Control Files 2. Redo Log Files 3. Data Files 4. All of the above 4 Q. 2 : What is a Schema 1. A Physical Organization of Objects in the Database 2. A Logical Organization of Objects in the Database 3. A Scheme Of Indexing 4. None of the above 2 Q. 3 : An Oracle Instance is 1. Oracle Memory Structures 2. Oracle I/O Structures 3. Oracle Background Processes 4. All of the Above 4 Q. 4 : The SGA Consists of the Following Items 1. Buffer Cache 2. Shared Pool 3. Redo Log Buffer 4. All of the Above 4 Q. 5 : The area that stores the blocks recently used by SQL statements is called 1. Shared Pool 2. Buffer Cache 3. PGA 4. UGA 2 Q. 6 : Which of the following is not a Background Server Process in an Oracle Server 1. DB Writer 2. DB Reader 3. Log Writer 4. SMON 2 Q. 7 : Which of the following is a valid background server processes in Oracle 1. ARCHiver 2. LGWR ( Log Writer ) 3. DBWR ( Dbwriter ) 4. All of the above 4 Q. 8 : The process that writes the modified blocks to the data files is 1. DBWR 2. LGWR 3. PMON 4. SMON 1 : Oracle does not modify the data in data file. Once the server process makes a change in the Memory, DBWR writes the modified blocks back to disk. Q. 9 : The process that records information about the changes made by all transactions that commit is 1. DBWR 2. SMON 3. CKPT 4. None of the above 4 : LGWR process records the information about changes to database Q. 10 : Oracle does not consider a transaction committed until 1. The Data is written back to the disk by DBWR 2. The LGWR successfully writes the changes to redo 3. PMON Process commits the process changes 4. SMON Process Writes the data Q. 11 : The process that performs internal operations like Tablespace Coalescing is 1. PMON 2. SMON 3. DBWR 4. ARCH 2 Q. 12 : The process that manages the connectivity of user sessions is 1. PMON 2. SMON 3


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