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twice a week(一周两次) that’s hers(是她的) Can I get you something to drink/What would you like to drink(请问您要点什么喝的) should come and see(应该什么时候来看场比赛的) That’s a good idea(好主意) Although it is very good(虽然书很好) could have something to eat/can have something to eat(可以吃点儿东西) the best football team(最好的足球队) She’s Mary’s daughter(她是玛丽的女儿) it was a shame(真可惜) Salad for me,please(我要份沙拉) I’m visiting my friends(我要去看望在澳大利亚的朋友们) go jogging every morning(每天早晨慢跑) I’ve never played tennis before(我以前从未打过网球) too large for me(对我来说太大了) the most dangerous sports(最危险的体育活动) Because it was late(因为天晚了) when I arrive in Beijing(我到了北京以后) Have you ever been to/Have you been to(你去过没去过) The flat was in a bit of mess.(房子里有点乱。) I would love to come to a football match.(我真想去看场足球赛。) Could I have a glass of white wine,please?(请给我来一杯白葡萄酒好吗?) She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday.(她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。) This photograph makes her look very young.(这照片使她看起来很年轻。) I didn’t have breakfast this morning.(今天早上我没有吃早饭。) She’s never been to Hong Kong.(她从没去过香港。) This T-shirt is min and that one’s yours.(这件T恤衫是我的,那件是你的。) I’m a bit lonely because David’s away on business.(我有点寂寞,因为大卫出差了。) Mary began playing the violin when she wasa only six.(玛丽六岁时就开始拉小提琴了。) I play cards occasionally when it is raining.(下雨天我偶尔玩扑克牌。) I started playing football when I was ten.(我十岁开始踢足球。) B:NO. It started raining, so we went home.(所以我们回家了He must have left his wallet /must have left the wallet(一定是把钱包忘在 in a shop. A:If I enlarge the restaurant / If I make the resaurant bigger(如果我们把餐厅扩大B: Not very soon. I’m afraid. They will be in Paris till Tuesday / They will be in Paris until Tuesday.(他们将一直在巴黎待到星期二) 5.Shanghai is in the east of china on the coast / on the coast of eastm China / on the eastem coast of China(上海在中国的沿海)A: Which book is the most interesting /the funniest(最有趣) Liverpool is 30 miles from(离曼彻斯特30 英里远) Manchester. A:Which hotel is the furthest / the farthest(离巴黎市中心最远) from the center of Paris? B:She is sociable /She is very sociable


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