Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet.ppt

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Listening and speaking New Words anonymous foremost advent at your service surf numerous engulf off-line grave hacker spam / spamming in bulk obstruct disrupt functioning be prone to pornography pornographic Language Support 1 from listening 几乎无人知晓 首要目标/目的 因特网的问世 地球变小了 进入地球村的形态 了解不同民族的文化 be practically anonymous to most of the people the foremost target the advent of Internet the earth has reduced attain the form of a global village explore other cultures of different nations 易于获取信息 天下万物,世上一切 在网上都可以获得 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎 随时为您效劳 使用次数最多的用户 上网查资料 下载游戏 逛聊天室 为了好玩网上冲浪 easy access to information everything under the sun be available on the Internet the search engine be at your service the top users surf the Internet for research download games visit chat room surf the Internet for fun 无数免费的游戏 网上银行业务 找工作 购票 酒店预订 咨询指导服务 涵盖生活的各个方面的主题 窃取个人信息 面临巨大的危险 numerous games for free online banking job seeking / hunting purchase tickets hotel reservations guidance services topics engulfing every aspect of life theft of personal information face grave danger 被黑客获取 网络罪犯 群发邮件 大量发送邮件 阻碍整个系统 病毒威胁 扰乱整个电脑系统的正常运行 链接到因特网的电脑 更容易受到病毒攻击 be accessed by hackers cyber criminals spamming send e-mails in bulk obstruct the entire system virus threat disrupt the normal functioning of the computer systems computers attached to Internet be more prone to virus attacks 使硬盘崩溃 健康的精神生活 色情网站 crash the hard disk healthy mental life pornographic sites Language Support 2 from discussion 快速获取信息 便宜的娱乐资源 带来便捷和高效 远程教育的手段 克服地理障碍 使人相互熟识 过着隐士般的生活 情感上的孤独 quick access to the information cheap source of entertainment bring us convenience and proficiency a means of remote education overcome geographic barriers acquaint people with one another be hermit-like emotional isolation 缺乏社会交际 养成利己主义 不能区分幻想和现实 过度沉溺于网络 对健康有害 近视眼 过着长期伏案的生活 僵硬的脖子 lack social interaction foster self-centeredness unable to make a clear


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