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无意中看到了这个老外的建议,觉得对我们这些做外贸的朋友来说很实用,所以贴在这里跟大家一起分享! As a sourcing agent and buyer I can tell you what is a good quotation for me:it includes all relevant information ! My job is to find a reliable supplier at a reasonable price in the shortest time possible. It is very possible that I will choose a supplier whose price is a few percent higher but the quotation is complete. That means, it includes: - FOB (!!!) price, with seaport marked! (I often get FOB quotes without location. Obviously for me in Europe a FOB Shanghai price is higher than a FOB Xiamen price, since shipping rates are different). - delivery time (so far no Chinese supplier was able to keep the promised delivery time for my projects - 90% delay, 10% early) - package unit (carton details)!!! Carton weight, size, volume, content, material. It is very important!!! Usually this point is simply left out by suppliers. But I - and most full-time buyers - have just simply no time to beg for any details separately!!! If a quotation misses this, I simply delete it. I have no time to ask for these points, but I can only calculate my shipping cost with this info!!! payment conditions must be exactly discussed. I hope suppliers will consider these points in the future. If you include all relevant information, you can really help your partner in his decision. And for the supplier, it is a job done once, you neednt work out each detail separately. 作为一个外贸业务员,我的职责: 在公司的规定和许可的前提下,为公司创造尽可能多的利润。 作为一个外贸业务员,我必须的知识: 第一产品知识,包括产品的用途,特征,包装,运输,生产周期和库存,价格。 用途包括:产品本身的用途,客户要把产品用到什么地方。 特征:必须掌握。 包装;包装可能对产品产生的各种影响,特别是一种新的包装。 运输:运输可能对产品产生的各种影响。 生产周期和库存:发货时间的基本前提。 价格:成本+费用+利润或竞争性报价。 第二外贸知识,包括付款方式,订舱,托柜,出口报关所需文件,客户进口清关所需文件。 付款方式:TT, 信用证 等。付款方式必须经过公司同意。 订舱:我方订舱,客户订舱,客户订舱时要及时与客户和船公司确认, 托柜:我还没有遇到过问题 出口报关所需文件: 外销合同:签字和盖章,一份 外销发票:公司长条章和法人章,2份 装箱单:公司长条章和法人章,2份 报关委托书:公司公章,和法人章1份 报关单 参照:公司自己做的,就是填写正式 报关单 的参照1份 报关单 :盖报关专用章,有的要盖公司公章,2份 核销单:要在 海关 备案,要在封线上盖好公司公章,1份 其他的,按要求制作。 客户清关所需文件: 一般就是提单,发票,装箱单, 其他的按客户要求 第三验货,这个我不太了解,


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