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分院名称:生学号 长春师范学院 本科毕业论文 题专 业: 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 2013 年 月 关于悬赏广告的法律性质法学界对此观点不一,而且司法实践的判决也大相径庭。在我国目前还没有对悬赏广告做出具体规定的情况下,对悬赏广告的相关问题进行研究是非常有意义的。悬赏广告之法律性质目前学界主要有这两种观点,即“契约行为说”与“单方行为说”。文章结合对单独行为说和契约行为说的具体分析从而对悬赏广告法律性质进行研究,运用相关法律知识及其基本原理,综合分析比较两种学说,并对两种学说进行分析和评述,尽管二者都各有优缺点,但我还是比较支持把悬赏广告行为理解成为单方法律行为。这不仅符合法理还有利于司法实践,同时还有利于促成交易并保障其安全,实现当事人利益。 关键词:悬赏广告 法律性质 单方行为说 立法建议 Abstract About the legal nature of reward advertisement whether this view is differ, and the decisions of the judicial practice is also different. To reward advertisement in our country has not made specific provision, study of reward advertisement related question makes sense. Advertising the legal nature of reward for the educational world mainly have the two views, namely contract behavior and unilateral action. Based on individual behavior and contractual behavior of the concrete analysis and study of reward advertisement legal nature, the related legal knowledge and the basic principle, the comprehensive analysis and comparison of two theories, and the two theories are summarized and analyzed. Based on the analysis and evaluation of the two views, though both have its advantages and disadvantages, but I support the reward advertisement understanding be unilateral legal act. This not only conforms to the legal theory and judicial practice, but also conducive to facilitate trades and guarantee its security, realize the parties interests. Key Words: reward advertisement the legal nature contract behavior unilateral action 目 录 承诺保证书 I 摘 要 II Abstract III 目 录 Ⅳ 一、悬赏广告的概念界定及构成要件 1 (一)悬赏广告的概念 1 (二)悬赏广告的构成要件 2 二、悬赏广告的法律性质的理论争议及各国立法例 3 (二)契约行为说及欧美法系国家立法状况 3 (三)单方行为说及大陆法系国家立法状况 3 三、两学说适用比较之单方行为说的优势.......................... 四、我国悬赏广告的立法现状及其完善 ............................ (一)我国的悬赏广告的立法现状 ................................ (二)关于悬赏广告的立法建议 ............................... 结 论 4 注释文献 参 考 文 献 5 附 录 6 致 谢 7


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