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“滴滴打车”在新媒体时代的营销策略分析 摘要 当今世界是新媒体高速发展的时代,新媒体的产生在很大程度上改善了人们的生活质量和生活方式。新媒体最大的改变是扩宽了人们互相联系的途径和拉近了人们之间的距离。这个时代是一个信息大爆炸和快速传播的时代,在这一信息大环境下许多传统行业开始利用新媒体的优势和特点来实现更高层次的发展。以“滴滴”为代表的打车软件的出现成功的将新媒体和传统的出租车行业联系到了一起,推动了出租车行业的快速发展。但是,随着时间的推进和人们新鲜感的降低,滴滴打车的使用人群开始出现下降的趋势。从哲学角度讲,任何事物的内因往往决定了事物的发展状态和发展前景。因此,为了解决“滴滴打车”软件在当前社会遇到的问题和困难,就需要从“滴滴”公司内部寻找解决问题的方法。又因为软件运营商的营销策略是“滴滴”公司内部影响因素的关键,因此需要对该公司目前存在的营销策略进行分析,发现现行营销策略存在的问题,从改善营销策略的角度寻找解决问题的有效方法,最终实现“滴滴打车”在新媒体环境下更高层次的发展。本文通过实地调查与研究,在结合相关理论的基础上对“滴滴打车”的营销策略进行了分析和探索,力求为“滴滴打车”的进一步发展提供一定的理论参考。 关键词:“滴滴打车”;新媒体时代;营销策略分析;理论参考 Abstract In todays world is the new media era of high-speed development, the generation of new media have largely improved peoples quality of life and way of life. The biggest change is the new media broaden the way people contact each other and shortens the distance between people. This era is an era of information explosion and rapid spread, in the information environment for many traditional industries begin to use advantages and characteristics of new media to achieve a higher level of development. Represented by drops the emergence of a taxi software success of the new media and traditional linked to the taxi industry, promoted the rapid development of the taxi industry. However, with time and the reducing of the fresh people, drops a taxi the use of the crowd started to decline. Anything from a philosophical point of view, the internal cause of things often determines the development status and development prospects. Therefore, in order to solve the drops taxi software problems and difficulties in the current society, needs to be from the drops within the company to find the methods to solve the problem. Again because of software operator marketing strategy is the key factors that affect drops within the company, so you need to present the company marketing strategy analysis, find the problems existing in the current marketing strategy, from the Angle of improving marketing strategy, to find the effective way t


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