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论文题目: 松辽公司财务风险的识别与对策
学生姓名: 杨 帆
学 号: 1106700225
专 业: 审计学
班 级: 审计1102班
指导教师: 余 涛
完成日期: 2015年 5月 29日
关键词:财务风险 预警分析 Z分数模型 F分数模型
The Identification And Countermeasure of Financial Risk in Songliao Company
The changing of market economy, make the enterprise competition, thus increasing enterprise management risk and financial risk. In the face of difficulties and pressure, enterprises management to realize the early warning of financial crisis and to prevent more and more important. Therefore, the analysis of the financial risk of the enterprise has the vital significance. The financial risk of the domestic research mainly using multivariate model combined with case analysis of the financial risk of the enterprise. Financial crisis evolution progressive usually show the deteriorating financial condition, cash flow nervous, eventually lead to enterprise crisis. The financial crisis gradually emerge can be reflected in the financial data. If you can forecast analysis on financial statements of the enterprise and financial indicators, save for a rainy day, found that financial crisis signal, the maximum to avoid crisis. This article first to the financial risk is reviewed and introduced the relevant theories of financial risk, secondly introduces the songliao co., LTD., third, to
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