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温州市农村初中英语四项教学常规 ——备课 四项教学常规: 1、备课 2、上课 3、作业设计与批改 4、一般试卷的命题 此次备课培训的目标: 通过培训,使大部分教师更好地掌握备课的基本步骤及规范地撰写教案。 教学目标 思考: 1、教学目标等同于教学目的吗? 2、我们应将什么列为教学目标? 3、我们如何规范地描述教学目标? 教学目标与教学目的的不同点: 教学目标:对教学结果的描述。 教学目的:告诉他人为什么这么做。 教学目标的描述规范 通过…的学习,大多数学生应该能够听懂/理解…的听力/阅读材料,完成…的语言任务;通过…的学习,大多数学生应该能够就…话题进行交谈,或就…题目写出…的小短文/通知/信/图画说明等。 阅读课的教学目标 使大多数学生通过该节课的学习最终能够读懂所提供的阅读材料并通过相应的检测,其基本方法是:1、让学生学习并尝试三个基本阅读策略,2、让学生阅读四组从短到长、从简到难的小短文。 试一试! 请老师们试着为阅读课Unit 1 Will people have robots?设定教学目标。 我们可以这样描述: By the end of this session, most students will be better able to….This will be achieved by… 阅读课教学目标描述范例 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Objectives: By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire the required information and understand the target reading material. This will be achieved by: 阅读课教学目标描述范例 A) Teaching students to apply the following basic reading strategies: scanning, skimming, predict the general idea according to the title and topic sentences, and the key facts of the target reading material. B) Asking students to have some extension activities: multiple choices and true or false exercise 听说课、综合语言课教学目标 还应该有: 1、教学内容,如:生词、词组/短语、 固定搭配、句法结构知识等。 2、跨文化交际知识 3、社会语言知识或者有学习方法指导 4、学习策略 :听说课、综合语言课教学目标范例 Unit … Period… 1.Objectives: By the end of this session, most students will be better able to invite their friends to his/her birthday party successfully. This will be achieved by learning the text on p… of… and learning to use the following language knowledge : :听说课、综合语言课教学目标范例 1.1 Learning and teaching content: A) new words:…. B) expressions/phrases: C) sentence structures/patterns: D) sociolinguistic awareness ( if apply) E) intercultural communication awareness (if apply) in English speaking countries:…. In China…. 1.2 Most students would be able to …(If there were be a research project or another item) 1.3 Method instruction: (if apply) 教学重点 问题1:教学重点与学生的水平 有直接关系吗? 问题2:不同课型的教学重点一样吗? 教学重点 教学重点:为实现教学目标所必需掌握的语言机能、语言知识、基本语言


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