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中美文化交流会续及主持词 Host words for the cultural exchange between China and America 欢迎来到七年九班,这是我们的韩老师,我代表7年九班全体同学欢迎你们的到来,请进教室。(大家和他们打招呼) Welcome to our Class, Glass nine Grade seven, this is our English teacher, Ms han, I represent the all the students in Glass nine Grade seven welcome your arrival, please come in the classroom. (we greet them) 盛夏的五月,虽然骄阳似火,但我们的热情却也像这烈日般火热,今天,我们很荣幸迎接来自美国东格林中学的一位老师和同学。 下面,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 In the summer of May, although the sun is scorching outside, our enthusiasm is as hot as the hot sun today, we are honored to meet the East Green middle school teacher and classmates from the United States of America. Now, let us applause warmly to welcome their arrival. 在接下来的一周中,同学们将和他们一起相处,一起生活,他们也将体验中国的传统文化以及中国学校的的生活。 为了我们更好地了解他们,所以下面请他们进行自我介绍。 谢谢。请就坐. During the next week, we will get along well with each other, we will live together, our friends will also experience the Chinese traditional culture and the campus life in Chinese middle school. In order to know them well, let them introduce themselves to us. Thanks, please sit down. 来到美丽的中国,充满魅力的第二中学,朝气蓬勃的七年九班,自然要认识我们的老师和同学,下面就有请班主任韩老师致辞 Our friends come to beautiful China, walk into a place full of charms named No.2 Middle school, young Glass nine Grade seven, you will know our Teacher, Ms Han, and our classmates, next, Let’s invite the director of our class, Ms Han have a speech. (谢谢韩老师的致辞)也许刚刚来到中国,对中国的一切会刚到陌生,但也并不用着急,下面就有请七年9班的同学,对东方的这个雄伟壮丽的国家进行介绍 题目是——我们的中国 (thanks for Ms Han’s speech),maybe you just come to China, maybe you are feeling strange about China, but you will not be worried, next let the students from the Glass nine Grade seven introduce our magnificent country to all of you, The topic is “our China”. 真的就像同学们所说的那样,中美两国一定会越来越友好 Just like the students ’speech, both China and the US are becoming more and more friendly. 下面请同学们赠上祝福 让我们和美国朋友合影留念 Next please send our congratulations and best wishes. Now let’s take a group photo with our US friend. 问题:你们来到中国最大的愿望是什么?你们最喜欢中国的什么? Question: what


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