中英文 200温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴演讲.doc

中英文 200温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴演讲.doc

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中英文 200温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴演讲

继往开来,共创中美关系更加美好的明天 ——在美国友好团体欢迎午宴上的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝 (2008年9月23日,纽约) Build on Past Achievements and Work Together for an Even Better China-US Relationship -- Speech by Premier Wen Jiabao at welcoming luncheon hosted by American friendly organizations New York, September 23, 2008 尊敬的基辛格博士,尊敬的希尔斯大使、布朗先生、赵小兰部长,女士们、先生们: 首先,我要感谢美中关系全国委员会、美中贸易全国委员会、美国对外关系委员会、亚洲协会、美国商会、美国中国总商会、百人会、美中政策基金会、美国中国论坛、商业圆桌会议和华美协进社共同举办这场活动,使我们有机会同各位老友新朋再次相聚,共叙情谊。 记得2003年我对美国进行正式访问期间,你们在华盛顿也举办了这样盛大的宴会。那次我发表了题为《共同谱写中美关系新篇章》的演讲,对中美关系作出三条结论:一是中美两国合则两利,斗则俱伤;二是中美两国有合作的基础和共同的利益;三是中美合作有利于亚太地区的稳定,也有利于世界的和平与发展。 Doctor Henry Kissinger, Ambassador Carla Hills, Mr. Greg Brown, Secretary Elaine Chao, Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin by thanking the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the U.S.-China Business Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Asia Society, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the United States of America-China Chamber of Commerce, the Committee of 100, the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, the America-China Forum, the Business Roundtable and the China Institute in America for co-hosting this event, which brings together friends, both old and new, for a delightful gathering. I cherish the fond memory of the gracious dinner you hosted for me in Washington during my official visit to the United States back in 2003. On that occasion, I made a speech entitled Working Together to Write a New Chapter in China-US Relations, in which I drew three conclusions on Sino-U.S. relations. First, for China and the United States, cooperation benefits both, while contention hurts both. Second, the two countries have the foundation for cooperation and common interests. Third, China-U.S. cooperation is conducive to stability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as peace and development in the world. 转眼5年过去了,我高兴地看到,这三条结论经受住了时间的检验,中美关系取得了重要的发展。 首先,中美高层接触比以往任何时期都要频繁。中美之间各种对话和磋商机制已超过60个,特别是中美战略经济对话和战略对话机制,为增进双方战略互信发挥了重要


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