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兰 州 商 学 院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目: 实用信号源的设计与仿真 学 院、 系: 信息工程学院 计算机科学与技术系 专 业 (方 向): 电子信息工程 年 级、 班: 2007级 声 明 ? 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文(设计)引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。 本毕业论文(设计)成果归兰州商学院所有。 ? 特此声明 ? ? ? ? 毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 年 月 日 ? 实用信号源的设计与仿真 摘 要 信号源又称信号发生器,在生产实践和科技领域中有着广泛的应用。RC正弦波振荡电路,即RC桥式振荡电路或文式桥振荡电路。该种振荡电路是以RC串并联电路作为选频网络的电路,可以产生满足频率幅度可调的正弦波信号。脉冲信号源由555时基电路构成的多谐振荡器以及引入电压串联负反馈的放大电路共同构成,称为矩形脉冲电路。 设计过程中分析了两个电路各自的特点,结合设计要求对电路进行了改进,在Multisim软件中进行仿真,仿真结果显示正弦信号源实现了频率、幅度的可调且输出波形稳定,脉冲信号源实现了频率、幅度、占空比可调且波形质量高。 [关键词ABSTRACT The supply oscillator is also called the signal generating device. It has a widespread application in the productive practice and the technical domain.Sine and pulse signal are the most commonly used signals in electronic circuits, these signals are generated by the wave and transformed circuit. Waveform generator circuit is a energy output circuit which can transform DC into Energy exchange, also known as oscillator or waveform generator. In the context, the sine signal can be produced by a sine wave oscillator, there are a lot of so circuits, after analysis and comparison using RC bridge oscillator circuit ,which also known as the RC Bridge oscillator circuit. This kind of oscillation circuit is using RC series-parallel circuit as the selected frequency network, which can adjust to meet the sine wave frequency signals. The pulse signal source is generated by the multi-circuit harmonic oscillator by the 555 and lager circuit, known as the rectangular pulse generator circuit. During the design process, I analysis the characteristics of the two circuits, and improve the circuit according to the design requirements. Simulation in the Multisim software show the sine signal source achieve the frequency, magnitude and the adjustable output waveform stability, the pulse signal sou


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